Innere vom Brot nutzen?
Habt ihr eine Idee, was ich mit dem inneren von einem gebackenen Brot machen kann? Brauch so zusagen die Brotkruste für ein Rezept. Will aber das Innere Weiche nicht weghauen. Was könnte ich damit machen?
Danke für Vorschläge 🙂
You can dry it and make panier flour out. Make small cuts and croutons out. Cook a soup and eat.
Soaked bread cubes, make a run-up with lecjer filling or double cuts well covered with box baked. Poor knights can also be made with fresh soft bread, also delicious.
So if you don’t get recipes then you can put it on a meadow or field or on a brook for birds, ducks, etc.
Please do not feed bread to ducks. Please don’t throw food into water. This leads to eutrophication of waters and to the propagation of rats.
(I see an exception when attracting water birds with a few and small pieces of bread when you are on the water with children. Better, however, would also be a few corn grains, or even some boiled potato. But even little of it.)
roast in olive oil and garlic and add to salad
Just keep it normal.
How about eating?