Inkontinenzmaterial auf rezept?
Hallo ich war gerade mit meiner Mutter beim arzt, der arzt hat ihr inkontinenzmaterial verschrieben auf ein rezept. Der apotheker meinte zu mir dass man online suchen soll und da dann anrufen soll?
Aber ich weis nicht wo ich anrufen soll?
Kann mir bitte jemand weiterhelfen
I’d say to the sickness fund.
There are cash registers that no longer work with pharmacies and instead have external service providers that send the required material by mail.
Hello mustix27,
Take a look at the websites of the usual manufacturers, googlet after the appropriate garment or accessory.
Some manufactures or, in particular, medical dealers can charge directly with a health insurance fund. The recipe can be sent by post or transmitted as an e-recept.
Go to the local medical trade and ask for it. There, too, you can often settle directly with the health insurance.
Also, ask the health insurance company whether it has certain preferred dealers or manufacturers, where it then does. This is often the case with medicines, and so you often get other medicines with the same active ingredient than can stand on the prescription.
Best regards
Many health insurance companies now have fixed contracts with online providers for incontinence material, call the health insurance company and ask who to work with
Find out something.
and order
I guess he meant you were looking for something online and then call the pharmacy, all the good for your mother