Inkasso Unternehmen passt meinen Namen nicht an?
Liebe Inkasso Experten, ich hab vor gut zwei Monaten ein Schwarzfahr-Ticket von der Deutschen Bahn bekommen, wobei ich vergessen habe die Zahlung zu tätigen und das ganze nun von ihrem Inkasso Partner Riverty bearbeitet. Die von ihnen gestellte Rechnung ist an einen Ismail Can adressiert, was wohl auf einen Schreibfehler des Kontrolleurs zurückzuführen ist.
Trotzdem habe ich das unternehmen schon zweimal kontaktiert und sie darum gebeten den Namen anzupassen da ich keine Rechnung, die nicht an mich adressiert ist, bezahlen werde. Das einzige was diese idioten hinkriegen ist mir alle zwei Woche die neue, höhere Summe an den gleichen falschen Namen zu senden. Nun wird mir mit Pfändung gedroht und ich frage mich ob ich aufgrund der Untätigkeit des Inkasso Unternehmens Aussicht auf einen gewonnenen Gerichtsprozess habe.
Numbers and everything is good.
Especially when you know that you are meant 🙂
No, not the least. The wrong name is quickly “curable”. You have the extra costs to write yourself.
I’ve been asking for the adjustment for two months. Where did I charge myself with the additional costs incurred?
Because it’s not crucial to the demand.
Thank you very much, they helped me. I’m sorry the whole context missed. Another nice day.
Yes; this is unfortunately a march from the debt collections. There’s only people sitting on the phone who don’t want to help you but just pull money out of your pocket. And you can’t prove anything by phone.
But you can try, you need to know if you want to take the risk, pay the amount that would have become due at the first reminder. Or insist that they should finally send an invoice with your real name. But then this is not by phone, especially paper-written by registered letter.
I see. But if I hadn’t at least had to become a knowledgeable law that would increase the costs further. I was told both times by the hotline staff that an invoice adapted to the name would be sent off. Then there’s an elevated one with false names. I mean, I am quite able to pay and would have done this without the company’s misinformation under false names, if the consequences were not concealed.
No, you didn’t. If you had paid immediately, you could have saved you a lot of costs. You’re not the brightest candle in the lighter….
My IQ is exactly 139. Why are you getting out? If employees of the company phone me to make sure that my deadline is postponed and I get a new, corrected invoice sent, I should be able to trust in the word of this. Especially when this happened two times. I keep observing people with foreign names being called stupid here for questions that are not worth stamping people as stupid. These patterns are suspicious and worrying.
Your stupid stubbornness would make me more worried about you.
I call you stupid because of your stupid behavior. I don’t know your name at all. By the way, your submission doesn’t mean you’re the brightest candle in the lighter.
Dümme Sturheit, L lingo
my submission is based on my personal experiences in combination with your ridiculous comment. By the way, it also says a lot about you that you want to add something without the previous answer to me “thus” “not the brightest candle” or whatever you call. I’m sorry that I suspected a false motive, but your behavior is inappropriate and pathetic.