Inkasso Mahnung obwohl wir nie eine bestelling bekommen haben?
Die frau am telefon war sehr unfreundlich und meinte wir müssten es trotzdem zahlen was nun
Die frau am telefon war sehr unfreundlich und meinte wir müssten es trotzdem zahlen was nun
An alle nächtlichen Busfahrer von euch da draussen 🙂 Was macht ihr mit betrunkenen Partygängern die auf dem Weg nachhause im Bus eingeschlafen sind oder gar komplett weg? Werden die einfach geweckt oder fahren die mit ins Depot?
Für mich eindeutig ja!!!
Anscheinend wird die Zahlung genauer untersucht, aber was bedeutet das schlussendlich?
Mir wurde gestern Abend 20 € überwiesen ist das heute noch drauf?
Hallo Leute, ich hätte mal eine Frage, wie Imbisstheken (am Strand etc.), die nach doppelter Buchführung (z.B. SKR03) arbeiten, den Einkauf von (Einweg)-Pfandflaschen im Supermarkt, den Verkauf der Getränkeflaschen an den Kunden, das Zurücknehmen der Flaschen vom Kunden und das Zurückgeben der Pfandflaschen an den Supermarkt verbuchen. Wie sieht es dann aus, wenn solche Imbisstheken…
Hallo, wollte fragen wie streng die Alterskontrollen auf dem Travis Konzert gestern in Hamburg waren?
If you are sure that the claim is unauthorized, you can rest back relaxed.
If a reminder arrives at some point, deny timely. Then there may be a process where the debt collection building must prove its claim.
But if the demand is right, that is not a really good strategy.
After no debt collection purchases untitulated receivables, the debt collection acts only for the creditor as a vicarious agent and can be safely ignored. Any payments made exclusively to the creditor, refuse collection costs with reference to current case law.
Factoring shouldn’t be completely out of sight.
That is true, but then it would also be in the Treaty – and certainly in the warning. NB.: In the case of factoring, debt collection costs would not be enforceable, since it would then be traded on its own account. And here, debt collection costs – as it is about enforcing the debtor’s own claim – are not held.
After all this seems to have expired by phone, it smells very much like fraud.
Objection to the reminder (written) until the specific payment destination must be contradicted
And how do you do that have such a warning for the first time and then the woman comes that she likes to increase the warning twice the number of 4 digits
Write a letter (as proof that they have sent the letter and that it has arrived) by saying that you are revoking the reminder because the claims are unauthorized then wait what is best to send the letter in parallel by email if You will then get a reminder online again contradictions and wait to the lawyer if necessary – to draw legal protection insurance then you only have to pay self-contribution
that was stupid and then simple. so ignore
Ok the company is really
Can you go to a lawyer and get advised. If possible free
If you have a legal protection insurance is often a first consultation free easy to send request to legal protection insurance ö, otherwise a first consultation is 190,00 € plus PTE of 20,00 € and VAT
Thank you very much
There’s a star
Yes then it’s bullshit
There was apparently no warning here, but only a telephone call from an alleged debt collection (which in itself suggests fraud).
Debt collection offices call contracting entities, rebates and what is and are also reporting in writing.
Was something ordered or not? Have memories and reminders arrived before?
What kind of debt collection? What warning? And what does this have to do with an order that you give up and not receive?
You don’t talk to debt collections either because they have nothing to say (except to make claims). Contact is and remains the creditor. And only with this will contact.
Only that I find nowhere in the warning the alleged creditor
Don’t you have a letter from the debt collection company that says who and why her money is owed?
No we have not
Then save you superfluous phone calls, as long as you have nothing written.