Hallo zusammen ich habe heute ein Brief von Inkasso bekommen da steht dass ich 650€ schuld habe vor 6 Jahre von eine Fitnessstudios die ich damals war, 6 Jahre nach schicken sie mir die Rechnung das ist nicht normal. Ich habe damals mit cash jede Monat bezahle und ich habe auch 3 Monate vor eine Kündigung geschrieben und wurde angenommen und habe bis letzte Cent bezahlt und jetzt sie drohen mich wenn ich es nicht bezahle werden sie mir meine Konto sperren und wird weiter zu Gerichtsvollzieher.
Ich habe die Frau an Telefon gesagt ich habe alles schon bezahlt bis letzte Cent alles per cash sie möchte beweise ja toll nach 6 Jahre wo finde ich die, ich behalte bezahlte Rechnungen 4 Jahre dann schmeiße ich weg ich habe 6 Jahre keine Brief bekommen von die und jetzt schicken sie mir Schulden.
Was kann ich machen bitte eine Antwort
Danke voraus
You can stay calm. Of course, you don’t have to pay an unauthorized claim. There can also be a constipation only after a judicial dunning procedure, and in which you can easily repeat the demand. You only have to fill out the corresponding section of the letter from the court, ticking that you object to the claim as a whole and sending it back to the court. You should do that immediately if you receive such a letter to keep the deadlines. You can basically ignore all other writings. If you want, you can tell the one who runs the debt collection that has been paying the receivables for a long time, and you can insert the cover of the statute.
Also, you should pay attention to writing from the Schufa, registering a contested claim is inadmissible, and you can request the deletion of this entry.
Please submit your complaints in writing, send your letter by letter or fax with qualified transmission report. If you also keep a copy of your letter, you can seriously consider it in court.
Point 1. Not calling with the debt collection. It’s just a masochist.
Point 2. Send to them a letter (letter!), in which you write briefly that you raise a limitation. All right.
Point 3. Don’t worry about old bills or something and send them nothing (!) above all.
Point 4. Relax. The whole thing is done.
O you hope I will be wary are a lot of money with pandemic I don’t work yet and that’s not my fault I’ve paid everything why again pooohhaa tinalisatina thank you
No way to keep calling. Promise they’ll give you their call. Hope you have at least your termination and can prove that you have no contract there.
TheHans thank you it is not the problem whether I have quit or not they say in The time where I was there a few installments I did not pay before my termination but after 6 years of letter is to throw
650 € could not come from a few posts. Prolong an accurate breakdown of the demand.
You can save the callery.
I would recommend that you ignore the letters or go to the consumer center. To a lawyer, too.
Alternatively, you can also reply in writing that the claim is fully paid if this is the case and if you can prove this.
say that you raise a statute of limitations, that is yearly and you don’t pay
and then ignore them
Thank you Bruno I said she tells me she gives me 14 days to find all the receipts I said ok if I find what I will show by email otherwise she will do as she has to do because I don’t pay.
yes, let her do
I will not send
She told me I got more bescheit so get more letters but no I told them I first saw the letter and never again they mean no we have sent more times I was so stubbornly mad o you annoy the whole situation
If I say that I have nothing to pay for?
if the claim is not valid, the year after 3 years at 31.12
so today from 31.12.2020 everything from 2017 and before is guaranteed
and for that you have to raise the “currence speech”
you may not pay only a single cent, because you are making the limitation
yes, then you need to pay nix if before 2018 and not settled
have to, otherwise they wouldn’t have titled
and you can’t shake it, the title is from the court, if you have one, it’s like one
you can say 1000 times, you got nix, the title is there, he stands
you can’t talk him away if they have one
with nothing
a title is as if you had been distributed to it, that is 100% sure and firm that you owe it
to do more
they should send you a copy of it if they have it, you can only pay for it, otherwise make no more
that is no longer a requirement that they simply want money
the title is constricted, the title means, the court also sees that you owe
I didn’t get anything if I had got something I wouldn’t be in this situation or 🤷
yes, ask her to send you the title
that must have happened years ago and is finished
In my mailbox did not find anything honest
you must have ignored a judicial decision, then automatically becomes the title
Ok thank you for your help then I have to do unfortunately but first I find the proves when I find nothing naja then I will call and start at rate thank Bruno barnane
no, you don’t need to hope more if you don’t pay, they’ll be at your apartment, reward, account
and if this isn’t enough, they need you to be an affidavital insurance that you are officially meanless
then you don’t get an account anymore and your creation is completely broken, with everything that means
if the situation is, you pay MUSST or you are economically at the end
Yes great
O man hope I 🙏 that burdens me so much
you have to pay without if and but, 30 years
this is the supergau for you
the claim is titulated, they have to send you nix more, nix prove, you owe the money and if you can’t prove that you paid, you owe
you have lost
Stands full titles.
Enforcement of the District Court …. of 02.03.2015 in Hoch 650,00€
Listen to Fake, I’d like to ask the gym if they know what.
Hmmm yes I thought the gym that I was too and make the new with other name funny or