Inhaltsangabe Der Erlkönig?
kann mir jemand Feedback geben. Das wäre wirklich nett 😊. Achtet nicht auf die Kommasetzung 🫣!!!
Danke schonmal im Voraus!
kann mir jemand Feedback geben. Das wäre wirklich nett 😊. Achtet nicht auf die Kommasetzung 🫣!!!
Danke schonmal im Voraus!
Hey ich habe noch eine Frage zu meiner zukünftigen Ausbildung in der Pflege . Wenn ich später sage ich mal am Sonntag noch Spätschicht habe z.b bis 21/22 Uhr und dann am nächsten Morgen Montag Frühdienst um 06:00 Uhr habe . Dann bin ich ja erst so gegen 22:30-23:00 zu Hause bis ich eingeschlafen bin…
Hallo, mein Make-Up setzt sich nach 10 Stunden sehr ab, habt ihr Tipps wie es ebenmäßiger aussieht?
Hey, welches Metrum hat die Ballade (also Jambus, Trochäus, Daktylus oder Anapäst), ist das Metrum regel- oder unregelmäßig und wie viele Betonungen hat das Metrum? Danke an jeden der Hilft
Wenn ich mit chat gpt einen text den ich geschrieben habe umändern lasse, damit er grammatikalisch richtig ist und sich etvl. Auch besser anhört, habe ich dann ein plagiat auf diesen text?
Als Kind hatte ich hellbraune Haare. Jetzt schwarzbraune.
Hi, ich menstruiere schon seit fast zwei Jahren. Zuerst habe ich nur Binden benutzt, dann Mini Tampons von o.b. Ich wollte fragen, ob es schlimm ist, mal ca. 2 Tage (auch nachts) die normale Größe von o.b. zu verwenden. LG Ria
It’s not really bad now, but it’s still working out. Of course, depends on which class you are. But I think it would be very good to point out the meaning of the Erlkönig to explain that the Son is dead in the end. And generally to say that it is very bad for the son and the father is very hurrying and it is not just about a ride home. Besides, you should be careful not to start two consecutive sentences equal (2x “The Father”)
I’m sorry but it’s not even a 4 if she were my student
Somehow my previous answer has been lost… Menno but no matter what
Here comes your personal German teacher😂🫶👍
Sooooo… Of course, everything’s just how it feels better.
In the introduction the year is missing again, but the author is in The topic is described again with some too many details, perhaps you will try to read texts in general and summarize the topic very briefly (can send me the results then also 😉)
In the main part, on the other hand, there are little details, so you could have described the scenery a little more precisely. Besides, you should be careful to stay in the present (“he jammerte”), but this time is very good, the linguistic distance from the original is, so you have really written in your own words, that is already good and important.
Overall you have improved well😊
LG Chaosgirl splitter️
PS: maybe write a content statement to Paddy Finnegal or what he said, we had to believe in doing this at the time 😉
Thank you very much! You help me very much!
Can I write something else?
… late at night rides home. The son is obviously seriously ill, for when they finally arrive, the child died during the ride in his father’s poor. [You always have to tell the end in an IA. Not exciting]
I’m trying to write a distance:
The father notices that his son looks terrified and anxious. It follows from the conversation that the son has Fieber fantasies: he is as if he saw a figurine, the king of Erl, who conjures him to come with him. The father speaks soothingly to his son, but the fantasies are too alive, he no longer reaches his son. In the end, the Erlkönig catches the child, so we experience it with the child, knowing that the shielding is not a reality, but the imagination of the dying child, which is so strong that in the end, like the child, we also believe that the main figure, the Erlkönig, took the child into his kingdom (of death).
But I don’t want to interfere with you, I just did it … A personal German teacher, congratulations to you both, have a lot of fun and knowledge together!
Thank you
Some errors, in particular the deviation from the present, have already been mentioned.
In addition:
“Then it also saw the Father”. This sentence is at least doubtful; the father just saw not the Erlroy, but saw and heard natural phenomena (Nebel, Wind …), he tried to find a rational explanation.
Good start, but then you get into the time form of the past. This should be avoided in a content specification. Because this is a kind of analysis and all analyses are always written in the present, because that is present at the moment when you analyze it. You weren’t there when the Erlroy crossed the father with his son. 😉 Moreover, this has probably never happened so much, but Goethe has thought it out. 😉
Heyyy, so your content is essentially not bad! However, you should note one, this is that you did not understand the ballad! It often happens at the Erlkönig. Actually, the son is sick and he only hallucinates!That’s why the father doesn’t see the Erlroy. Besides, look at the time you write:)
LG Jojoxxx