Inhalte über 4gb auf freie, externe Festplatte nicht möglich?

Mein Macbook zeigt seit Wochen eine Fehlermeldung an, wenn ich Dateien, die gößer als 4gb sind, auf meine externe Festplatte ziehen will. Auf der Festplatte ist genügend freier Speicher, ich bin echt am verzweifeln!

Nicht mal Videos lassen sich auf die Festplatte exportieren, da gibt es die selbe Fehlermeldung. Da stand auch immer wieder etwas von “Fat16”, glaube ich. Kenne mich nicht gut genug aus und weiß nicht mehr weiter.

Ich nutze die Festplatte um Videos und Bilder von SD Karten drauf zu ziehen, um sie von dort aus bearbeiten zu können. Eben um den Speicherplatz meines MacBooks nicht zu belasten.

Google spuckt mir leider keine passende Antwort aus, also dachte ich frage ich einfach mal hier nach…

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8 months ago

This has nothing with the file systems NFTS or Fat32 to do.

For HD > 4TB = You have to GPT partition!

All our HD ́s run on this partition! ( 8 & 10 TB hard drives )

partition style of a hard disk finding-so-gangs/

8 months ago

by “Fat16”, believe

That’s the problem. If drives are formatted (usually under Windows), you cannot save any files that are larger than 4GB.

Secure all data from the drive and reformat it. This goes under macOS with the hard disk service program.

Be careful! Do not delete the system disk! This is usually called “Macintosh HD”.

The external panel is the lower in the list, you also recognize the size of the maximum storage space.

Please contact us again.

8 months ago

Sounds like your external hard drive FAT16 or FAT32 formatted. Try exFAT as a file system. MacOS can clog exFAT without any problems and the plate would then be usable on a Windows computer for emergency.

The maximum size of files in FAT16B and FAT32 file systems is 4GB

Before reformatting the external HDD to exFAT, however, please secure any data already on it if these are important

8 months ago
Reply to  Leniii2111

The file system “find” you nowhere. You only need to specify what you want to use when formatting (see a selection)

8 months ago
Reply to  Leniii2111

Maybe there’s someone in your family or among your friends who knows it and shows you how it works. You may even do this yourself under his guidance – so you always learn best. As I have more to do with Windows and Linux than with MacOS, I can’t help you much with details.

8 months ago

FAT16 can only save files up to a maximum of 4 GB size.

FAT16 is the file system. If you want to save larger files on it, you need to reformat the hard drive with another file system (e.g. NTFS).

8 months ago
Reply to  Leniii2111

Right. Since all data is lost when formatting, you must first save it where different.

You make formatting about your computer, how it is done on Mac, I can’t tell you. On a Windows computer, right click on the drive (in the File Explorer), then you get the option “Format”.

Be careful: Be sure to get the right drive, otherwise you may delete your computer’s internal hard drive.