Inhalt der Kurzgeschichte ’’So ein schöner Tag’’ Armin Wühle?

Heeyy, in meinem Deutschunterricht müssen wir oben genannte Kurzgeschichte analysieren aber ich tue mich schwer damit überhaupt den Inhalt zu verstehen.
Kann mir jemand kurz erklären, worum es geht?

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1 year ago

The same problem already had a user 2013. Look at the search function, at the time, a replyer described this story in detail.

1 year ago
Reply to  sonnenperlchen

1 year ago

“So a beautiful day” is a short story of Armin Wühle, who acts by a man named Mr Weber who decides to walk on a sunny day. During his walk Mr. Weber notices how beautiful the world is around him: the sun shines, the birds sing and the flowers blossom. He feels happy and free when he enjoys nature.

As Mr Weber goes on, he meets various people, including a homeless person sitting in the sun and drinking. Mr Weber is filled with a sense of satisfaction when he observes how the homeless enjoys his life, despite his difficult situation.

Finally, Mr Weber returns home and feels grateful for this beautiful day and the little joys of life.”

1 year ago

You should just put this story in here. Then you get more answers. Hardly anyone wants to look around here for a long time.