Infos zu Firmen bekommen?
Ich bin gerade noch in der Oberstufe und habe morgen ein Bewerbungsgespräch. Mir ist aufgefallen das Betriebe mögen wenn man etwas über sie schon weiss. Hat jemand vielleicht eine Website oder Methode um schnell and Daten wie Hauptziel, Mitarbeiter oder so ran zu kommen?
Employment with the company should have happened before writing the application!
It is not about being able to defer any figures and facts. Such an interview is not an oral examination, where you have to answer questions correctly…
It’s about you knowing what exactly you’ve applied for and being aware of what that means. And of course, this also includes dealing with what the company is doing as it stands in comparison with other companies of a similar kind and what one could expect in the job there!
You know how the company you’re talking to, right?
They will certainly also have a homepage or at least have an internet presence somewhere. Why don’t you get in touch and just click through the side.
Go to the homepage of the company