Inflationsausgleichprämie = Zeichen für baldige Kündigung?


Ich hab in dem Kleinbetriebe in dem ich arbeite viele kleine Fehler gemacht. Ich arbeite Teilzeit und bin schon auf Honorar umgestiegen weil mein Arbeitgeber meinte, dass ein Festgehalten zu teuer wäre obwohl ich damit mehr verdiene.

Wenn der Arbeitgeber sich jetzt spontan dazu entscheidet dem Arbeitnehmer 1000€ Inflationsausgleichprämie zu zahlen, was ja freiwillig ist, ist das dann ein Zeichen, dass der Arbeitgeber vor hat den Arbeitnehmer zu entlassen für euch?

Hab neulich 2 Seiten voller Fehler in meinen Akten vorgelegt bekommen.

Kaum zu glauben aber ich bekomme 1000€ und habe ne Scheiß Angst deswegen.

Was denkt ihr?

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5 months ago

“I’m working part-time, and I’ve already moved to Honorary because my employer said that holding would be too expensive, even though I deserve more.”

Do you have any other jobs? Otherwise, it’s nothing other than selfishness.

Did you think you’d be insuring yourself? Reporting to the tax office for a tax number? You are then bound to an income tax return. Did you think all this?

And no, an AN doesn’t get a premium before he gets released, at least not if she’s voluntary.

5 months ago

Companies aim to maximize profit. No company will just pay you $1,000 so you’ll get nicely over the rounds if you’d be canceled by them. That’s what you’re seeing.

The inflation compensation premium will definitely not indicate a termination. In addition, companies generally pay this premium for all employees or overarching for a department. It may also be that companies pay this premium before annual discussions or performance reviews to eliminate any discussion about a higher salary due to inflation. Of course, a one-off premium will cost the company less than every month to pay more percentagely, for which the interest rate interest effect will also come at a longer time.

5 months ago

Strange thoughts:

Why should a AG make a voluntary payment to MAs that he wants to throw out?

5 months ago
Reply to  GrumpyIroh

Employers are not welfare organisations. Not even yours, who converts you to fees to save social security charges…

5 months ago
Reply to  GrumpyIroh

That doesn’t make any sense.