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Was haltet ihr von der Idee der Widerherstellung des Osmanischen Reichs?
Hallo. Wir halten in der Schule ein Referat über Themen die uns gefallen. Ich hab das Thema Osmaisches Reich mir Rausgesucht. Als Diskussionsfrage will ich am Ende Fragen: Was haltet ihr von der Idee der Widerherstellung eines Osmanischen Reiches und kann ein Land mit so viel Toleranz und Großherzigkeit heute wieder existieren. Meinungen?
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Sarkophage or residues thereof in most pyramids.
Mummies or human remains in a few. (When you have to specify: mummies and/or bones were found in many pyramids, only they mostly come from late-term remissions. Say: it is not the mummies of the kings or his family, but rather the funerals that were carried out 1000-2000 years later in the corridors of the old monument.)
For an exact list, I would have to search – what pyramids are you talking about? Do you mean Gizeh or only the Old Kingdom, or even the Middle Kingdom?
The pyramids around the world. So, for example, the pyramids in Mexico.
The pyramids in Mexico are a completely different thing. Is your question actually: “what pyramids were used as a grave?”
OK, I can only give you information about the Egyptian pyramids. These were built in the Old and Middle Kingdom as royal graves, i.e. about 2700v.C. to 1600v.C.
Most pyramids were actually used as a grave, with the tombs in most cases lying under the pyramid, not in it. The Cheops pyramid is more of an exception in this respect.
In some pyramids, because of special circumstances, no one was buried: either the ruler died too early, the pyramid remained incomplete and the king was buried in a very important place. Or the king was still at best health when the first pyramid was finished, and then made another, even better build (King Snofru brought it to 3). Some pyramids, however, were intentionally not created as a real grave, but were probably used for cultic and representative purposes. These include, for example, the so-called “Ka-Pyramides” – small “Nebenpyramiden” – or the pyramid on Elephantine)
All the pyramids were robbed in the course of history, and with the treasures the mortal remains of the kings have also disappeared to a few remains. It must be borne in mind that in the Old Reich there has not been so perfect mummification, and that some tombs are so deep that groundwater from the Nile Valley reaches it – as a result, the conditions of conservation are also much worse.
The question could also be formulated, yes.