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Mexico, bali, Cuba, Hawaii, Dominican Republic
These were the countries that were on the list with me forever. Wok part of it I’ve seen before.
I don’t care about anything in Europe.
I’m just like that. why don’t you irritate in europa(I don’t want to know your opinion only
I can’t tell you. I have a lot of work in Europe. Maybe that’s why. But I also do not like the mentality of many Europeans. The distance, the flight to the destinations, the people. We in Europe are much too focused on luxury goods. I miss life here. It’s hard to describe. How about you?
Yes: Japan, Thailand, South Korea, New Zealand.
No: Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Australia
America (again) or the Asian region, almost everywhere.
Just not where it’s so cold. I’m hot, but still
I’m not stuck. I definitely want to go to Australia and America. Asia is not my taste, but I do not want to exclude it.
I still miss Australia, New Zealand. I want to go.
I would like to visit more from the South Sea islands, e.g. Seychelles, Maldives
And South America would interest me in part.
Glad to Greece, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, USA, Japan, Kazakhstan and sometimes to New Zealand or the South Sea. And after the war very much like to go to Kiev.
These countries are not eligible: Russia, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela or crisis countries in Africa.
I would like to go to Colombia, Jordan or Thailand.
I will never go to Syria. I don’t want the Assad militia to kill me. No way after Iran.
So in any case, USA is there too soon.But where I really, really like to go is Singapore and Peru.
In no case North Korea, of course.
Welcome to the USA, Colombia, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand
In no case in countries East of Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Russia and the whole area of interest me not at all, all dark and cold
In my “Bucket List” I would still miss the west of the USA (I was already often in the east), South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and South Sea.
In Europe I lack Greece, the south of Italy, Iceland and Norway. Otherwise, I have been everywhere in Europe where I wanted to be. I felt 100 times in the UK, North Italy and France. I also live at the french border
Japan, Singapore, Italy, Portugal
Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea
Definitely to Namibia or Dubai. Or my home Sri Lanka
No way to Germany
why not Germany
Find the people unsympathetic, many right-wing extremists and somehow I connect this with sex tourism.
You always get along. I was already in Dresden and had bad experiences with right-wing extremists.
America and where I don’t necessarily have to be a few Asian countries