At what pitch are these chords sung?
I recently found this piano sheet music with lyrics for the song "Der Lindenbaum" (in G major) and would like to sing it. I usually just play the notes on the piano and sing along, which works very well, but with these chords, that's not possible because I can't hear a clear note. However, I don't want to buy additional sheet music, so I'm wondering if someone could quickly tell me what pitch the bars highlighted in red should be sung at. I would be very grateful for a helpful answer!
You don’t have to buy notes for this famous folk song. There are practically free of charge in various variations on the net.
I would recommend the G major version for singing. See 1st and 2nd vote.
At the fountain in front of the Tore1-akkordeon – Partitur (
beautiful Gruss mary
So you sing the highest tone a.
Can I ask… uh, whymaea… is that high? Isn’t that too high for you? That would be for tenor or high soprano. Or do you sing an octave?
Thank you for your answer! So it doesn’t matter that the sounds aren’t the same?
Well, I don’t know why the notes are so high…(is the original song deeper?) Maybe because the booklet is mainly intended for the piano and not for the song, and the text was simply set to it. But in itself I have no problems until the two-lined e at all, only the two-lined g, which comes one line deeper, I leave at the moment…
The song is also nothing to crumble even if it were. It’s mostly gloomy and introspective.
Yes it doesn’t matter, the melody stays on a’. If you were to sing it with a second singer or in the choir, the sounds would sing below.
The original song is a terz deeper in E major and that is still intended for relatively high voice (moderate tenor). With medium voice (Mezzo, Bariton) you go down to D, with bass or old on something between A and C.
In the original it is not a verse song but a strongly varied verse song. Print the original from
This is also much more interesting from the piano.
This version you have is a mixture of the original and the folk-song arrangement of Silcher where all the verses are the same. But this is only in F and even though the tenor 1 (the highest voice) sings the melody.
The thing to write in g is voice tape abuse.
Thank you.
The original as you describe it – so E Dur, varying verses – really interested me and would be for me also exactly the right one, I also looked on the page you proposed, but found the page quite confusing. If it doesn’t make you too much trouble, could you help me with that? I would be very grateful to you!
Look here, this is the singing voice alone:
Open “Sheet music at the well in front of the gate G major” (UNTER the accordion notes).
In your sheet of notes, if you don’t know the song, it’s hard to find, and it’s the top notes in the violin key. The text is something unusual about the notes. Usually, the text is under the vocal voice.