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None of them.
San Francisco and LA are among the cities with the highest crime rates in the USA. In NYC, rental prices are absolutely out of control.
Rio, Sao Paulo and Bogota also have all enormously high crime rates and also enormous many murders.
San Francisco and LA are probably crass about criminality, but nothing against Detroit, St. Louis and Baltimore (which are the most dangerous)
Because I like it there. My city.
I live in Berlin and I want to stay there, but I would like to go to San Francisco for this selection.
Was there three times, great, especially, from there you can also do a lot in the environment
If I had to move, it would be.
But I don’t think everyone would.
pure of the tuning possibilities, LA, but planned on the other side of the usa!
if you have the money, you can live well in LA.
I think the best place to live in the USA too. If the crimes were not in Rio, I would take
the “best” place is LA definitely not to live in the usa, there is much better place.
but if you liked to live in California, I recommend san diego but by no means LA.
That’s right.
Yes downtown is not recommended now, but genrall is stop la the center of California and so many excursions (santa barbara, universal studios, six flags, disneyland, uvm) San diego doesn’t mind me now. The city looks more clean on videos than la or sf (but was not there yet)
My favorite town as there is so much to see! Love the Golden Gate Bridge
LG Simon!
Look forward to the star
In Vienna – yes, I am.
I guess I’m relaxed.
so relaxed is san francisco unfortunately not.
masse in cars, partly live, I don’t think jz so great.
Most likely in LA
Austin, TX.
Because it’s a very beautiful city, you have a lot of freedom in Texas (except abortion…) and there’s a kind of new Silicon Valley in Austin.
may I ask where exactly you have these information?
in San Francisco, as a hippie girl!
40 years late