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In Düsseldorf, there is or was Henkel.
On August 4, 1921, the foundation stone for a Henkel branch was laid in Genthin, where Persil was produced from March 1923.
You get used to the fact that many questioners (also you) are not able to google such questions
So Teslas were invented in Brandenburg because they are being built there?
Quite helpful clicked.
Henkel began the production of Persil in 1906 in her main work in Düsseldorf, so long before Genthin.
Only that Persil had been there since 1907 or 08… So grab your own nose.
Nobody’s talking to you. That’s what Google says
I read it. And look here:
Persil, Germany’s first automatic detergent.
In 1907 the chemists of Henkel manage to revolutionize washing. They combine sodium silicate with sodium perborate, which releases fine beading oxygen when cooking the laundry. In contrast to the chlorine used until then, this does not only produce a particularly textile-friendly and odorless bleach. He also takes away the strenuous and time-consuming rubbing, swinging and walking of the laundry. The first automatic detergent is born: Persil. On June 6, 1907, the first ad will be published in the Düsseldorfer Zeitung. Persil then comes into trade in hand-made and filled packs of straw cardboard with printed cover sheet.”
On Wikipedia: