In welcher Klassenstufe bewirbt man sich für eine Ausbildung?

Hey, ich bin seit diesem Sommer in der neunten Klasse und habe mich gefragt wann man sich eigentlich für eine Ausbildung bewirbt bzw bewerben soll. Meine Eltern sagen beide etwas verschiedenes weshalb ich mir nicht sicher bin. Weiß jemand von euch wann und mit welchem Zeugnis man sich heutzutage bewirbt in der Schule?

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6 months ago

The crucial question is: What school degree do you want? And what are you going to do after school – starting a training directly, starting an FSJ/FÖJ/Bufdi year or possibly volunteering?

And then it comes to the industry and the uterus that you want to apply.

Especially large companies often have an enormously long lead time. It is not often necessary to apply for 1 year in advance. There is also a very long, multi-stage selection process.
In other enterprises, especially small ones, one can possibly. submit an application even a few weeks before the start of the training.

And at the end of the day, of course, there is also a little to the desired profession. There is a shortage of applicants in many industries. Especially in gastronomy or on construction. The companies are looking for azubis until the last moment. Other industries, for example in advertising, are overrun. You have to be fast to have another chance.

So if you are after the 10, for example. If you want to go out with the MSA, I would suggest you in the 9th. You might have done an internship in your desired business. Evtl. also voluntarily in the summer holidays between 9th and 10th grade. That’s a lot of value, as you know in the company. The application then takes place in the course of 10. Class – depending on the requirements and application deadlines of the company.

6 months ago

Unclear question. That’s why I can only say, in the fall of the school year, where you’re doing your degree you want from school. A little later, but the good training places are already occupied.

Tip: Now find out what you can do if you don’t get training. If you’re on a gymnasium, it’s probably the easiest thing. Otherwise, for example, inform you about (vocational) gymnasiums (all HS maturity) or Professional colleagues (FH maturity), especially what are the exact requirements and application deadlines or, if necessary, Two-year-old professional school if you don’t have a medium maturity.


6 months ago

Early in the 9th grade. But it’s not a duty if you want to make the medium maturity.

6 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

There are actually teachers who urge you to seek training as soon as possible instead of going to school. Also, you probably need to do internships or it is recommended by teachers to visit trade fairs.

But actually, this is your decision and you can attend a high school or professional level with a very good school degree.

In your place, I’d only get out of 10. Applying for a training class is a better chance to find a very good training in industry, in the commercial sector or in IT.

If you don’t have training after 10. have found a class and has not been taken for a high-level or professional level. You can do an FSJ. In some federal states, you have fulfilled the compulsory schooling with the completion of the school and do not have to make a professional preparation year at a vocational school or an FSJ. You can then simply search for a side job or a full-time job, e.g. in the retail trade.

There are also vocational schools, which can be visited after the 10th grade. There you can make recognised professional qualifications and, if necessary, acquire the professional qualification.

6 months ago

If you want to do the MSA in the 10th and then get into training, the training phase begins about 1 year before. With big companies, the run is quite exactly this one year – so it’s going on now. For smaller companies, this is often only a few months before.

Usually the last three testimonies are added.

6 months ago

I sent my applications at the beginning of the 10th grade. Actually, like everyone from my vintage who wanted to do a training.

This was extensively treated in class 9th.

6 months ago

9th half or 10th.