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In 19 of the 26 cantons mostly Swiss-German dialects are spoken. French is spoken in the west of the country, in the Suisse Romande. Four cantons are French: Geneva, Vaud, Neuchâtel and Jura. 3 cantons are bilingual: German and French are spoken in Bern, Freiburg and Wallis.
Too late you have already mentioned the bilingual cantons.
An additional info: we have 3 bilingual cantons. Bern with a small French-speaking minority in the Jura, Freiburg and the Wallis. There the German-speaking people are in the minority.
The German-speaking part of Switzerland.
In the north and northeast of Switzerland.
So the area of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) and Austria is bordered.
In the German-speaking cantons – south adjacent to Baden – Württemberg
There comes a former Youtube colleague.
In the north, in the east and in the middle
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