In welchen Mengen wirkt Gras beruhigend?

Hallo mir gehts zur Zeit mental nicht gut und mir ist dieses typische high sein Zuviel,welche Menge wirkt denn beruhigend aber stimuliert nicht so stark?Gibt es sorten die da besser sind oder schlechter ?

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1 year ago

Because in the title “smoothing” I think you mean with high rather stoned. You usually have indica varieties like Kush. Can you ask your dealer if he has Kush or generally indica varieties. Otherwise, you can also take weaker sativa varieties and not smoke too much of them. Or what I’ve never tried myself, but what could work is that you get yourself normal sativa Weed, for example. Haze, which is a bit stronger and then you take a bit of Cbd oil or spray on the flowers before. So you can get the sativa high to an indica without having to get new weed. But, as I said, I have never tried this myself, so it’s just a theory of me.

Edit: otherwise just do your normal weed lower or sometimes with herbal stretches.