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This is primarily not the job, but what position one has in it.
There are bankers who earn so much or even much more, but there are as many bankers who have significantly less and, for example, despite a lot of professional experience, are only at €45,000.
Expected only in central to higher management functions. Team leader doesn’t last there. Directors, middle-class executives… something.
What is a team leader?
someone who leads a team.
Search for terms like team leader, group manager, department manager, factory manager, managing director. Grob summarized: Team Leader Group leaders are usually the lowest level of a hierarchical leadership structure in companies. Team leaders have 3 to 10 employees. The level above this is area managers/directors who have 3 to 10 team/group leaders. In this case, managing directors, executives or similar names are for people who have department managers/directors as employees.
This is the boss of a team who has an overview of his team
Yes, definitely. Of course, depends on the industry/the company and how the company earns money. The bigger, the more it goes. And the further way that is from social professions… (the financing of which depends on the state).
Thanks for the explanation. Can you earn 150,000 euros as an area manager?
In this grade, managers with greater budget responsibility or highly qualified specialists are in a sought-after field of expertise.
To get there it takes some time and a lot of engagement.
In various professions, this is possible but usually associated with leading and managing positions. Or with special knowledge and skills. At my time as an independent business consultant, 150k per year were quite in.
With us as Sales Leader or long-term Key Account Manager.
Generally, many positions from Senior Manager Level should be located in the area.
Doctors, investment banks, IT managers, lawyers, engineers
Where you earn 18,000€ per month. Try the air traffic controllers or something.
A air traffic controller deserves very well, but definitely no EUR 18,000,- a month.
As a pilot you can expect an average annual salary of €74,600 and a monthly salary of €6,217. This corresponds to an hourly wage of €38.85.