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Job mit 14?
Hallo, welche Jobs kann man mit 14 ausführen? Bitte nur Stichpunkte. Danke
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Keine Lust auf Ausbildung/Studium?
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As a digital nomad, you can do it anywhere.
Work you do on the phone can also be done from home if the employer allows.
Then writer, translator or journalist, depending on the working environment.
In sparse freelance activities presumably… but also there you have to set up services or to customer discussions from the HAus.
As Cutter I would appreciate
In my as an IT admin.
What did you learn to do?
Started in 1977 with the first self-soldered calculator, since then remained at the ball and made it a job after training as a merchant.
There are countless professions/activities.
Ultimately, this is the company, not you.