In welchem Umkreis um das Haus funktioniert Starlink?
Ich habe ein Starlink Kit bestellt und einen Tarif zur Nutzung zuhause. Nun möchte ich das Kit manchmal gerne doch mitnehmen, aber den Tarif nicht umstellen. In welchem Umkreis rund um zuhause wird der Tarif funktionieren? Hat da wer Erfahrungswerte?
Probably it doesn’t matter where you use it, but you could ask the provider.
But it is probably quite complicated to dismantle and align the hardware. It’s not just a router.
The range is applied with up to 297m2. It is enough for the garden adjacent to the house, until the next cross road will probably already be over.
With a good Wlan-repeater, the range might be increased a few meters.
I don’t mean the Wi-Fi range, but the circle where I can set up the part.
Wherever you have a socket and Starlink can send a signal.
I don’t care where.
Basically yes. At least nationwide in populated areas is to be expected according to the description.
This means that it only works while you are moving and otherwise this can be used worldwide?
Because you’re bound to a certain location. The other tariffs cover in motion (on foot / in the vehicle without having all few meters of continuous connection breaks) and on high seas.
Why does the tariff then cost less than the travel tariff?