In welchem Land leben die meisten Menschen mit Depressionen?
Ich glaube China und Deutschland.
Ich glaube China und Deutschland.
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According to the latest available data, Iceland has the highest proportion of people who have to fight with depression.
Almost 15% of the Island suffer from chronic depression.
Follow the next places:
Portugal with 12.2%
Ireland with 12.1%
Sweden with 11.7%
Germany and Croatia with 11.6 % each
Island and Irish often have to fight with depression due to lack of light for various reasons.
In Iceland, about 10-11% of the population suffer from “winterdepression” caused by lack of daylight. The northern location of the country with long, dark winters contributes to this.
I think Korea, Japan…the area
Is sure there is a statistics somewhere, but Germany should be down
All over the world! This bad disease affects everyone and everywhere! Whether as a child or an adult, it is not possible to reduce it to a specific country!
India China and USA have just been investigating.
LG Elly
Think Germany yes…Because only those in Sweden are all happy…😌🐥
In Japan probably (Suicide in children in Japan: the most common cause of death in children – Humanium)
Or not…
Suicide rate by country – Wikipedia
In the EU, Iceland seems to be at the forefront. Germany some places after. I don’t know globally.
Los Angeles
determined by Germany