In welchem Land ist Sodomie 2017 erlaubt?
Ich wollte einfach mal fragen in welchem Land Sodomie 2017 erlaubt ist, wie die Gesetzeslage in Deutschland ist und wo/ob es erlaubt ist, wenn man ein Tier, z.B. Pferd oral befriedigt bzw. es “in einen rein” lässt.
Hello rotatingrtod,
The page was last updated on 31.12.106, but not guaranteed that all countries are still 100%. The whole section 5 deals with your question.
It has not yet been banned in Germany, but it has become more complex. As long as an animal is not dressed, forced and injured, it is permitted in agreement with both. the problem is that of judgeing that one-of-a-kind, and most people have prejudices and no idea.
MfG Pluesch Tiger
It’s where it’s not forbidden. Legal permissions are not available. Excluding driving licences;)
What you write is not prohibited in Germany.
But bans are animal torture.
Well, if a horse feels tortured, you’d notice that anyway… ^
PS: Do you know Clerks II? I’m just saying “Kinky Kelly and the Sexy Stud”😎
Where it is not recommended to go.
It is then necessary to remove countries such as Germany, Finland, Hungary, Brazil and Japan from their travel recommendations. ;
Recently there was a debate on goats…
whether it is allowed
Whether sick or not, that was not asked here,
The opinion has brought him or her 15 points, unfortunately.
No 20
And at all I don’t do it because of points
In Sodom, right?
6 x in USA!
‘A man can
Sexual intercourse with animals such as sheep, cows, camels. However,
should he kill the animal after having his orgasm. He should
do not sell the meat to the people in his own village; However,
selling meat to the next village is allowed.” Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran, 1990
So off to Iran 😉
disgusting 😠😬😷
Forgery: ein-mann-kann-geschlechtverkehr-mit.html
Hey, so. I can’t answer your question. But I have a question about you.
A “patiently satisfying”?????
I want to see that.
Merry Christmas.
It was just an example scenario. Because I have heard that in Germany, WAR allowed to have sex with animals once by law, as long as you have not introduced the penis into the animal.
There is no legal permission, there are only legal prohibitions. So you have to ask where it is not forbidden.
Ahh. Don’t live in Germany. A historical resource might be “Katharina the Great”. But I don’t know about today’s laws.
No, you don’t want to…
(Soon you would have done it because there is everything on the Internet.)
then give animalsex to Google