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1 year ago

The historical context is the seizure of the Nazis.

Formula 1: Law to remedy the need for people and kingdoms ( Original / Context) – Hitler’s speech on 23.03.1933 on the empowerment law.

At the time when the Enforcement Act was adopted, there was a high political instability. After the world economic crisis from 1928/29, German lady experienced a period of social immutation. She re-flamed the inner tensions that existed within the Weimar Republic and which were dismissed in the Golden Twenties.

Adolf Hitler took advantage of this unstable political situation in order to reach power through a propaganda full of populism and promises about the fears of people.

The Enforcement Act was a constitutional law, whereby 2/3 had to vote for it (two-thirds majority). This happened, on the one hand, by the strongest force of the NSDAP itself, but also by compelling the other parties to vote for it by incitement or violence. For this, 100% were the NSDAP, the DNVP, the centre party (a Member was apologised and has not voted), the BVP, the DStP, the CSVd, the DVP (one Member was ill and has not voted), the peasant party and the Landbund. The only party completely opposed was the SPD. The KPD could not vote because all Members were not present either because they were already imprisoned, killed or fled.

On that day, Mr Otto Wels – SPD Chairman – brought a significant quotation: “Freedom and life can be taken, the honour cannot be!” (audio)

At the end of the speech, the social democrats were laughed at and pampered by the Nazis. The reconciliations were louder than the gossip of the Social Democrats to this speech.

The Enforcement Act abolished the rule of law and constitution in Germany and officially made Germany a dictatorship. Subsequently, further laws were followed, which strengthened the dictatorship, for example the law “Unity of State and Party”. From now on, the NSDAP only rarely came together to pass laws, since from now on the government or Hitler himself issued the laws directly.

1 year ago

The empowerment law came after the Reichstag fire. Hitler then had all powers and dictatorship took place.

1 year ago

At the end of the Weimar Republic seizure of Nazis and the beginning of Hitler’s dictatorship.