In welchem der folgenden Länder beste Chance auf Job?

In welchem Land von Südkorea, Japan, Taiwan und der Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong hat ein Deutscher die besten Chancen auf einen Job in der Pflege? Ich bin dankbar über jede Antwort!

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1 year ago

I’d just talk to people who are emigrants. They often know well with the conditions in the countries. On Facebook there are several emigrant groups where such people write.

1 year ago

You will not find a satisfactory life situation there, except that some countries do not allow immigration. Hong Kong Special Administrative Zone? There the dictatorship of China governs with an iron fist, there is nothing that is being handled separately.

And if you have 10 vacation days in the year, it might be more than torpedia for your ideas of work.

1 year ago

A job in Asia? How many local dialects can you?

How good can you read the fonts?

How do you want to communicate with the sick and the needy?

Since you have to do with living people, communication is everything!

1 year ago

the best chances for a job in nursing?

Simply googling after “immigration + the daring land”, that will be very renowning.

Aside from that, you speak all the languages of the ordered laenders running or how do you imagine your job as a nurse in these laenders?

1 year ago

Perhaps you should contact the permanent representations of the respective states in the Federal Republic of Germany.