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2 years ago

My knowledge is that the human brain is not yet developed after birth. This makes it uncanny to adapt and learn, which is a very great evolutionary advantage.

The cognitive abilities (measurement and their classification/processing) are also emerging only in a few months.

Therefore, I assume that babies first perceive and react in the way we understand it, not “think” but merely irritations (light, tones, touch), and later “think” in images or sensations.

In “language” they will not think until the ability has developed, so perhaps at the age of one year or later, and then of course in and in the terms they are learning.

2 years ago


I strongly assume they think in pictures. In words, they don’t have a good time.


2 years ago

Thinking doesn’t need language. And animals will not be able to speak of thinking after our understanding, or will your cat take care of their retirement plans today or tell you what she wants to do next week?

2 years ago

who think in images and emotions, I guess