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1 year ago

When pusting no matter how cautious you pustest, you always have tiny water particles and moisture in it (just because the air is migrated through your body and the lungs), if you can also get small spit particles.

If you do that, it’s not bad anymore, but I wouldn’t do it all the time, you get spots on the sensor.

Get such a bubble bellows (costet 3€) and hold the camera down while you’re cleaning up so that the dust grain falls down and not into the camera. Computerzubeh%C3%B6r-Empfinder-Oberfl%C3%A4chen/dp/B0B568TRFS

1 year ago

You will not have damaged the sensor. A filter element is generally attached in front of the actual image sensor.

Since, however, it is not a particularly good idea, since the smallest saliva particles can remain on the filter and possibly impair the image quality more strongly than that of a dust grain.

A bubble bellows is also not the optimal solution, as you may transport the dust grain away from the sensor into the mechanical parts of your camera (closing), where it will not only interfere more but also cause damage.

There are small USB batteries for the computer keyboard, which can also be used here. Make sure not to touch the filter glass or other parts inside with the suction head. And do not take your Hypermax 3000 floor vacuum cleaner with the joint nozzle.