In Urlaub fliegen mit Husten?
Hallo Leute,
Ich habe seit paar Tagen starken Husten gehabt der sich mittlerweile mit Antibiotika fast komplett eingestellt hat. Sprich er ist fast komplett weg.
jetzt ist die Frage kann man mit leichten Husten trotzdem ins Flugzeug steigen und los fliegen oder könnte durch den Druck irgendetwas geschehen? Mein Arzt konnte es mir nicht direkt beantworten. 🤔
bitte um Antworten…
You can fly if you feel healthy enough for it.
There’s nothing wrong with the pressure at Husten. It’s just a matter of ear infections. But consider the dry air conditioning air that could additionally lead to cough irritation. Salt or sour lutch tablets or cough sugarl help.
That’s because you didn’t even ask him. So don’t double us here.
You should also wear a FFP2 mask to fly from courtesy to other travelers!
I was extra with the doctor this morning, he said only I was no longer contagious after 5 days of antibiotic treatment. Whether the airways are free and I can fly without any problems he could not guarantee me, he then only said theoretically it is possible.
If your doctor hasn’t been able to answer it to you, how are we supposed to do it as a medical layman?? Where is the logic?
The fact is, however, that your doctor didn’t tell you about a flight – I would risk it.