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If no one is homophobic, I’m sure it’s clear.
So before you ask for MY opinion and I respect the people dress like that… I play tennis myself but you can wear IMMER something like that if you want/it is allowed but please not in tennis training… if I come to my hour and someone sees the dressed like that I would find it marginal. I always have pants and normal shirt like all the others because it’s about sports… I think it would be extremely distracting… as I said it’s my opinion and I basically have nix against but please don’t eif in tennis training becauses eif is unnecessary and you should wear what “normal”
I can’t explain well and no has nh but must be nh
I can understand what you mean. The thing is that it is for women or Girls almost don’t give any other tennis clothes and other sports pants with bags, in which you can find at least halfway a tennis ball in and out, extremely hard to find if you don’t necessarily go out in jogging pants. The upper part can really be a bit too me in training and there are other shirts, but otherwise it becomes difficult.
But there’s… more than enough… I don’t have a tennis skirt but sport pants quite normal hold… there’s in everyone… I’ve been playing tennis for years and you don’t have to wear nh mini skirt just because you found tennis clothes nix different… nim eif nh normal jogging pants or so you don’t need that exactly
I’ve been playing tennis for a long time, for 8 years to be exact. I have to say that I don’t dare to wear a skirt, but sometimes it’s really hot outside and I don’t find short pants in which the ball doesn’t fall out during the race, whether under tennis clothes or not.
It’s like with all “Can I as a boy [some women’s clothes]” questions: stop and cope with the reactions. Most of these questions are only about presentation in the web.
Not with me
It’s inappropriate. But come to the club and the other players.
Sure, why not?