In die Usa ziehen würdet ihr den Schritt wagen?
Mein Freund ( bald Mann ) ist Us Amerikaner aus Texas und bringt es in Erwägung im die USA zu ziehen da dort das Leben besser ist und mehr verdient und allgemein das Leben besser ist und bevor sich unsere Tochter ( 3 Monate ) noch an Deutschland gewohnt
Verdiene in Deutschland schon 3000 € netto was ich schon als Sehr gut empfinde er meinte dass die Usa aber deutlich mehr zahlt für eine Bürofachkraft / Buchführung und das ich nur auf 3000 € netto wegen Ig Metall komme aber Gehälter in Deutschland lächerlich gering sind . In Usa hätte ich weit über 100.000 Dollar Startgehalt ( die Usa bezahlt besser ) und sogar er auf seine 30.000 bis 40.000 Dollar jährlich als Startgehalt zahlt. Es muss nicht unbedingt Texas sein, es kann vom ihm auch auch New York oder andere Großstadt sein.
Ja man muss sich selber versichern aber da meinte er auch eine sehr sehr gute Familienversicherung würde vielleicht nur zwischen 20.000 – 30.000 Dollar jährlich kosten und da wäre halt alles abgesichert und die USA haltet an ihre Arbeiter fest und 30 % oder mehr Gehaltserhöhung im Jahr sind dort nicht ungewöhnlich ( bei Mietpreisen allerdings auch nichts ungewöhnliches das die jährlich um 30 % oder mehr steigen ) ( das Problem kann man aber mit Eigentum lösen denn bei Eigentum hat man nur 1 Rate auf der Bank und wegen Greencard müsste ich mir keine Sorgen machen da ich seine Frau wäre. Die ware mir dann zu 99,99 % sicher.
Was meint ihr würdet ihr diesen Schritt wählen um in die Usa zu wohnen
As a Buerokraft USD 100,000 + to earn, you can cut off. The salary for a accountant is USD 40,000 – USD 50,000 gross depending on the state. Apart from that, your German education in the USA is worth nothing. If you work in a company that offers a KV for employees, the KV amount will be automatically deducted from the salary. But – you can only visit Aerzte who accept this insurance, except you pay the doctor’s visit from your own pocket.
As a new employee, you often have to pay only 10 days of paid annual leave. Also a week of sickness with schnapps, gastric intestine, etc. is negatively noticeable in the content. Even if you have to stay at home for a sick child, this time will not be paid to you. In the case of a lesser disease, there is no 6 weeks’ salary. There is no tax-free allowance, and what one obtains in DE for child money is claimed in the United States for the annual tax enslavement. Your calculation also lacks childcare costs that are much higher in the USA than in DE.
Apart from the fact that you are seeking the acquisition of an own haime at least. 20 – 30 % of equity, please do not forget the additional costs and yesehrl. Property Tax and House Insurance costs.
Of course, the receipt of a green card for the wives of a U.S. Buerger is “simplified”, but it must nevertheless be filled with some conditions for the husband to sponsor an alien wife. For example: US Residence, the last 3 tax enslavements and a certain salary (Hoehe depends on State). With only a short period of marriage we are with you, you will first get a conditional green card for 2 years. Then you’ll be able to grab the bag again, and put it down. A possible divorce in the first years should also be avoided. Your US ticket is more your child than your marriage certificate.
Your life in the USA will be different than in DE. Better be there. In the U.S., you don’t get anything, nor fly a baptism fried here in your mouth.
To answer your question: from a gross salary of USD 30,000 – USD 40,000, it will be hard to almost uneasy to entertain a 3K family. You would definitely be dependent on your income. That would be too uncertain.
I’m with mine. Man emigrated to the USA, but after more than 20 years of marriage and under other financial conditions.
Forget NY!
Yes I am also insecure about it as far as I am concerned because he has been in Germany and 36 years old since 18 ears, so he was exactly half of his boy in Munich. But he has contact with his parents, his sister and brother-in-law. He thinks his brother-in-law gets at least 30-40% salary increase every year. But almost 20 years in the same company there and manages everything. Money for home should not be a problem because we don’t pay so much rent ( apartment belongs to my parents but due to stay in Spain) so I already have enough side.
A yes. Income of 30 – 40% is excluded. Pers. Tip: don’t give too much attention to what’s a note. For this, all amercanic is just super and great, even if they live from pay check to pay check, their credit rates are tossed off, crawl ill to work and live by hot dogs and chicken. Just have a different way of life because they know nothing else.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to emigrate and have a bunch of debt. Not only does the house purchase want to be trimmed, but also moving costs, home decor, car purchase, costs for immigration, etc.
Yes, I would. 🇺🇸🗽🦅
That’s right.
20k – 30k for health insurance is very expensive. I think that’s not only the contributions, but also all the self-containings that you pay the maximum in the year. If you are healthy, the costs are significantly lower, as health insurance contributions are non-income in the USA. But of course, enough money should be put to the side in order to be able to pay the self-sufficiency in an emergency.
No, in the USA there is the “hire and fire” principle. You can be fired tomorrow for no reason. There is no protection against termination as in Germany. But that’s not a problem, so you’re looking for a new job. That you get fired is completely normal and for the new AG no “red flag”.
That’s not true. Inflation is not that high, and wage increases are not, except for rising to a higher position (but this does not happen every year).
That’s right. Many Americans are “homeowners”. However, it should be ensured that the credit rate can change at a variable rate.
That’s right. Marriage is one of the easiest ways to get to a Greencard. However, marriage should last for at least a few years, otherwise you risk losing the Greencard.
I wish you a lot of success in the USA. 🇺🇸🗽🦅
Jo’s health insurance also seemed to me expensive, but it’s supposed to cost so much if you take the best of the best and everything is supposed to be safe. So he, I mean daughter. But I don’t know.
Okay, if you really want 100% coverage, that could come. However, I think it only makes sense if you know that you have to go to the doctor very often. Otherwise, a cheaper insurance is enough, and each year you put the “out of pocket maximum” to the side, so that you can pay all the self-containing in case of emergency. But if you stay healthy, you save a lot of money.
I intend to emigrate to the USA. Not to Texas but to New York City or LA. The people in the USA are very friendly and there is a very nice atmosphere. Even more dangerous than Germany, but also very nicer people. The joy of life.
although more dangerous is the (dangerous) mood more beautiful?
I know. But it depends on what area. USA are huge,
But politically and economically, the USA is more stable. And the culture is the same as low plumbs.
Your friend dreams.
I, as a single person, would not do that, but the financial factors listed above are largely correct, but the remaining maintenance costs have not yet been clarified. With 100,000 there you have about such a life as here with your 30,000, so it won’t change much, continue to be a middle shift, possibly a bit better set up, you’re sitting right at a point where you can move 2,000 to your country after a month and buy something from Germany, for which you would have to save two months. Foreign trade is therefore likely to become much more lucrative, but when do you do that?
But in itself, with someone on my side, the idea would be much more attractive if nothing will come back. It’s impossible.
With $100,000 you’re a middle class?
100k is upper middle layer I would say (except in CA and NY, there is everything much more expensive).
In New York City this should be done except now in Bronx, but you can’t get 100,000…
Whether you’re getting 100,000 in Texas, I don’t know, the fact is, however, if workers get a lot of money, or it usually sounds a lot, the purchasing power is often the same.
That someone in New York City, besides the Wallstreet, deserves more than in Nevada, should come.
HOAs should be best avoided if you don’t want to dance after the pipe of any Karen from the neighborhood.
Oh, Master of Science and Computer Science… At IG Metall, I thought of some metal construction job…
But about the Greencard I don’t really know much, only tip, a “Homeowners Association” in a residential area does not make the residential area more valuable, except this is also urgently needed, it is often not.
I looked at jobs in my area. The start-up salaries are more than 100k (M.Sc. Informatics without professional experience). I don’t know your exact qualification, so you have to look for yourself.
However, it is hard to get a green card if you don’t have an American to marry.
Have you ever seen a job offer in the area and what they pay?