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2 years ago

If you can demonstrate a training that is needed in Switzerland.

But I wonder why you want to live in Switzerland at Swiss cost of living, rent, KV ect??

I have worked in Switzerland for my last years as a qualified craftsman, in Basel, Baselbiet and Aargau. But I stayed the years frontier workers, paid German rent, food prices etc. KV as a frontier worker as a voluntary insurer at AOK, everything in all was the border worker DEUTLICH to be more lucrative to me than resident in Switzerland.

2 years ago
Reply to  14Alberich18

Do you think what you had to pay more taxes in Germany? It is rather rare that the lower cost of living in D compensate for the additional costs of taxes!

2 years ago

Yeah, you can. You need a work contract or you need to prove your finances if you are self-employed. In the end, as with the EU countries.
Between Switzerland and the EU there are free movement contracts.

2 years ago

If you meet the corresponding conditions, yes.

2 years ago

Sure. My mutti has trained in Zurich and then also lived there.

2 years ago

Yes, they let us in if you meet certain conditions.

2 years ago

only if you can speak one of the four national languages.

I’m suggesting you learn racial. you don’t notice when you can’t grammatically.

2 years ago
Reply to  pony

Only about 0.3 percent of the Swiss population speaks of Rätoroman. This official language is usually not even available on official forms.