In den Freizeitpark mit starkem Übergewicht?
Da mir langweilig ist und ich sowas noch nie gemacht habe, möchte ich mal alleine in einen Freizeitpark gehen( Holiday Park).
Da ich dick bin wollte ich mal fragen ob es da Probleme geben kann. Denkt ihr ich kann alles fahren? Hat jemand Erfahrungen?
Ich wiege 138kg und bin 168cm groß, damit könnt ihr euch es ungefähr vorstellen.
Noch eine Frage: Muss man dort etwas größere Strecken laufen? Und kann man da mit 17 alleine hin?
I am also very thick and for me there was not much in the free time park. But I also weigh more than you but many activities have a maximum weight because you have to fit in the seat.
lg sarah
What is the weight limit for most of the rides?
That’s what I think of the driving business… with many I think about the 80kg, but there are also those up to 140kg… it’s more likely to come up with the clasp if it’s still going on than the weight itself.
I mean to have read this place
80 kg, are you sure? There’s half the population over it..😮
You have to run more or less depending on the size of the park. Meanwhile, some roller coasters have so-called “big boy seats” for overweight people. I can’t tell you if you fit in there. I recommend you to just get in touch with the amusement park of your choice.
you will definitely have to run longer distances and some atractions like aachterbahnen you will not be able to drive with your weight unfortunately but there are certainly also some restaauarants etc where you can eat delicious.
It should be easy. 138 isn’t so much now.
Usually you have to make it a few hundred meters. Would that be a problem for you?
Yes you can go there, yes you have to move there and no, I guess it could be difficult in some attractions.