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Yes I personally find it normal. Many characters have often been specially written.
I am also more often in love with anime characters. Currently it is Anos Voldigoad from The Misfit of demon king academy.
Killua from HxH
I do not know 🙈
I don’t check it myself, but everyone’s.
From a certain degree, however, I find it 100% abnormal.
Definitely! I could give you a list of characters I’m in love… But sometimes I think it’s too far with me, so if I see a car that looks like these characters, then I (consciously) imagine that it is also of exactly those. I am consciously not looking through the discs because I don’t want to be disappointed if they aren’t these characters.
Yeah. Depends on how love is. If you like the character, I’d say something normal. But if it goes into the obsessive, it’s all but normal. But yes, I love my gay lawyer couple Narumitsu! And my Weird girl lesbians.
Normally it is not, however, it is also no novelty that people fall in love with fictional figures. This is about as similar as when someone falls in love with a famous actor, which is more common.
It is absolutely nothing wrong to be a big fan of a person or figure. Be aware, however, that it is fictional figures and you must therefore always set a limit between fiction and reality. Your “love” to the figure can never replace a real relationship.
If your feelings become even stronger, I can honestly advise you to take a break from the internet and go to the fresh air or otherwise do something else that does not happen in your screen.
This is completely normal.Oft we find ourselves again in a character or find this attractive or lasting both.A reason can also be that this reminds us of someone we liked in real life or reflects our ideal type (that is to what kind of person we stand).
Yeah, it’s common to young people, but also adults. I once read that the brain cannot distinguish whether the person in love is genuine or fictive.
How scientifically based this statement is, but I don’t know.
Yeah, it is. Many characters from manga and anime are deliberately written so that people like them. To fall in love is an extreme form of it.
I’m in love with Killua from HxH
Then his age would worry me.
I’m 12
No it is not, you always have to stay realistic and know that this character you would not be “loved” exisited and invented by someone
no so normally definitely not
I don’t know
No, it’s not.
very in love no