Impressum etc. für Website, die nur für Community dienen soll?


Ich betreibe für ein spiel ein paar Server und würde gerne eine Website machen, wo meine Community alles was die Server angeht einsehen kann, eventuell auch Direckt Download der Mods auf denn Servern. Ich habe das in der Art schon auf Discord aber das gefällt mir nicht, Nichts mit email oder persöhnlichen Daten, ich habe aber wenig Lust ein Impressum etc. zu machen, und gebe auch ungern meine daten einfach Herr.

Also, es soll eine cleane Website sein, die nur für Mitglieder dient um zu schauen “sind die Server off?” “Gibt es aktuell Events?” sowas.

Freundliche grüße

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 Mirko Marek
5 months ago

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and could contain errors.


Since your website and your server is no longer a private thing, you are obliged to provide an imprint. There is a duty of imprint.

5 months ago

At that time it was as follows:

Once a WEb page is intended for publicity, it needs an imprint. If she’s private, she doesn’t need one.

Privately, however, means that no other, you and your friends can access it. Once you have a community page that is listed on Google or is publicly linked anywhere, you need an imprint.

That’s why you don’t get around. With a password, you need to make sure that the public cannot access it. That’s okay.

But not realistic:)

Maybe this has changed. But it usually doesn’t get looser.

5 months ago

Imprint etc. for website that is intended only for community?

The website is neither personal nor family, but speaks to the public or at least your community. After MStV §18 you need an imprint

5 months ago

Thanks to the CDU and Mr. Axel voß in Germany on all websites

5 months ago

Thanks to the CDU and Mr. Axel voß in Germany on all websites

There is no general obligation to imprint websites in Germany

5 months ago

If your own site and its contents are publicly accessible, you will not be able to get around an imprint with chargeable address. If you want to use any third-party services to display the information, you should also have an eye on which data may flow to those.

Even the use of embedded fonts (Fons) of e.g. Google Fonts would be problematic. The same applies to other assets (Frameworks, Libraries), about which any user data are passed on. One should therefore already know very precisely where data is generated and how those are processed.

Even if there is no general EU (general) There is a duty of imprint, but it can be said that it is basically as good as any side. In order to exclude its own side, it should not be publicly accessible. For friends and family a password protected area without public access.

And even if the page or platform is password-protected only for a small group of people (Family and friends) and does not require any imprint, it should not be dealt with without care in the sense of the GDPR. Also make sure that the data is collected and/or passed on.

5 months ago

Web sites that do not serve a private purpose unfortunately require an imprint because you do not come around.

Take best an imprint generator, eRecht24

5 months ago

If you design your website in such a way that only registered users (for example Discord) have access to the content, you do not need any imprint.

5 months ago
Reply to  SoIid

If you design your website in such a way that only registered users (…)

This is not the case and the registration of users alone is not sufficient. Not at all if other services are added to the application. In addition to the imprint, further information within the meaning of the GDPR should be provided.

5 months ago
Reply to  medmonk

If the site is not open to the public, which is ensured by the necessary registration, it may be possible to assume a private use, which eliminates the obligation to imprint. However, the questioner should provide an imprint in order to be sure of the number.

5 months ago

As long as you don’t sell, advertise, write blogs or act as Art Forum you don’t need one.

5 months ago
Reply to  Rango82

As long as you don’t sell, advertise, write blogs or act as Art Forum you don’t need one.

MStV §18 says otherwise