Impfungen in den Po (am Hintern, oben außen) statt in den Oberarm?
Welche Vorteile hat es, wenn bei einer Impfung die Spritze in den Po, den Oberarm oder den Oberschenkel kommt?
Als Kind musste man Impfungen (bei manchen Ärzten) in den Po bekommen. Mein Kinderarzt: “Du bekommst eine Spritze in die linke Popo-Backe und eine in die rechte Popo-Backe. Bitte Hose + Unterhose herunterziehen und auf den Bauch legen!”
Welche Vorteile oder Nachteile habt ihr bisher bemerkt?
Kann es sein, dass man heute wegen dem Schamgefühl in den Oberarm impft? Weil Nerven, die man schädigen könnte, gibt es dort auch. Oder impfen auch heute manche Ärzte den Po? Was sind eure Erfahrungen?
When I got my last tetanus syringe, I could choose where I wanted to go!
I still believe that it is the better choice to inject into the butt muscles – and it is only because it is unpleasant for most people to let the pants down! Moreover, in the case of mass vaccinations, such as: the corona vaccinations, it is not possible for time reasons to give all vaccinators a syringe in the po!
Therefore, in most cases, the arm must be held, even if it is not so efficient!
What are you doing? That the arm doesn’t have problems lifting for 3 days?
In Brazil
Is that what they did in Brazil? – That’s what I find.
Thanks for the star!
Yes, it may be.
This is certainly true for some people: I have already with regard to Children. Conversely, there is. Some crumble the Po super tight, so the doctor can only get the liquid out of the syringe with very much violence
No, I’m much older and always have a problem with syringes in the arm! And I can’t imagine I’m doing something wrong. Therefore, as I said, I prefer the syringe in the Po!
Maybe you had braced your arm or it was a corona vaccination (about 20 and 35 years old?)
Yes, could sit well and sleep and, unlike a syringe in the arm, had no pain at all in the area of the puncture site! Therefore, I would still rather get caught in the popo!
Do you think it works better? Or is it about a painful arm getting annoyed? You could sit and sleep well after this tetanus vaccination?
There is hardly any vaccination in the Po because the buttock muscle is covered with a layer of fat and then there is a risk that the vaccine does not come where it is to come. It is important that the vaccination is administered to a muscle. Since in children the muscles in the upper arm are usually not very pronounced, vaccination usually takes place – as in my children too – in the thigh muscles on the outside. In the muscle itself there are no nerves that could be harmful, and it does not matter for the effect of vaccination in which muscle is vaccinated.
The injection goes into the muscle and the buttock is the largest muscle of the body.
So the easiest to meet, the low risk of misuse of the injection and the delivery of the vaccine into the blood is optimal.
But if this is the case, why not give all vaccinations there?
Besides, does it hurt more or less?
Because it’s more complicated than in the upper arm. And in most people the upper arm muscle is large enough.
Also depends on the amount, most vaccines are really only 1-2 ml.
Does my experience hurt a little less
Why don’t you get vaccinated?
Did you get one or other vaccination in the Po as a child? Why doctors don’t do this today – and where the needle lands instead.
Stand: 26.07.2023
The times in which vaccinations were regularly administered to the buttocks are now over, says the doctor Dr. Anne Katrin Liem: “In the butt muscles, vaccinations are no longer injected at all, as here the complication rate is too high and the muscles can sometimes be hidden under a thicker fat layer.” The alternative of choice is usually the upper arm, according to the doctor, “because he is easily accessible better.”
Other toddlers: “We inoculate in toddlers either in the thigh muscle on the thigh side or in larger children in the upper arm muscles, which we also use in adult and adult.”
Why do you get a syringe in the Po?
There are still cases where the doctor administered an injection to the buttocks, Dr. Liem explains: “We only administer an injection into the butt muscle if you give medicines that are to be slowly absorbed by the body with a depot effect.”
Many doctors can’t do this right either.