Impfung Nebenwirkung?
Hey, ein Bekannter von mir konnte nach der Coronaimpfung (paar Tage) nur noch verschwommenen sehen. Er war beim Augenarzt und es wurde eine Netzhautablösung festgestellt, ist das möglich das es wirklich von der Impfung kommt oder ist das ein Zufall?
This is at least not a known side effect of the vaccination. Therefore, I rather assume that this is a coincidence of time.
Yes, it is known. I don’t hear this for the first time in this context.
Listen, you do a lot. Do you have a serious source of your claim that you can link here?
You have written
And I asked you about a serious source of your claim. Not after what you know about hearing.
Then you just write “No, I don’t know any serious source” and finished.
I never claimed.
So you know about hearing. This is not a serious source.
The deceased comes from my acquaintance, oral personal experience. A doctor could clearly no longer point a connection from the hand because she already had some patients with this problem in practice.
It probably doesn’t come from vaccination. If he thinks he can let that check.
He was at the beginning of the hospital and the family doctor, but there was only said that it cannot vote. Later, a retinal detachment was found at the ophthalmologist, but the doctor said it wasn’t from the vaccination.
It is also unlikely to be impossible, as I said, that this comes from the vaccination. If the doctor also says what is the question?
It can be good that you only notice it from a certain point, or it only became aware of it, because it has been paying attention to symptoms due to vaccination.
Because he claims something else. A retinal detachment said the doctors didn’t come from today to tomorrow, you should have noticed earlier. But he didn’t notice it earlier, otherwise he would have gone to the doctor before.
Health disorders occurring after vaccination shall not affect vaccination as long as it is not officially shown that such disorders occur strongly after the vaccination concerned. And strongly cured after vaccination, they only occur when doctors see and report this much in connection with vaccination.
Vaccination damage is also extremely rare due to such relationships, because what is not sought is also not found.
Apart from that, there is also the fact that a truly unambiguous relationship can very often not be detected, because at the same time there is always the possibility that a health problem that has occurred can also have quite different causes.
There are also differences between nations in the evaluation. For example, what is clearly considered as a result of vaccination in the USA or another country does not have to be a succession in Germany. And what is prohibited in the USA or another country due to harmful side effects, that can be considered the only good remedy in Germany for a long time.
According to my short Internet research, no such case has come to pass. Since several billion people have been vaccinated against COVID-19, I would just say it is a coincidence.
You can’t let that happen
Why not? For example, it could be reported to the Federal Institute for Medicines and Medical Devices.
It doesn’t change that you can report it!? That he was not taken seriously is probably due to the fact that there were no such incidents and it is probably not possible from a medical point of view.
He said he was with the family doctor, hospital and ophthalmologist and was not taken seriously.
Knowing from a friend the acquaintance had the same.