Impedanz und Resonanzfrequenz?

Hi, kann mir jemand bitte den Rechenweg dazu sagen? Ich bin gerade echt verwirrt wie ich das alles umforme ( also die Gleichung der Impedanz habe ich aufgestellt , nur die Rechenschritte danach

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2 years ago

L, C and R are given, you can use

replace milli with 10^-3 and micro with 10^-6

The circular frequency w is the only unknown. With w=2*pi*f you can calculate the frequency f.
You do not need to consider the denominator when resetting. A break is zero if the counter is zero.

2 years ago
Reply to  Liessssoooor

the fracture is expanded with the complex conjugated denominator, then the third binary formula is applied, the denominator is then i or j away

Multiply, summarize and separate according to real and imaginary proportion

2 years ago
Reply to  MichaelH77

Sorry – everything wrong, what do you want to set zero here? Your equation w=2*pi*f is nothing more than the definition of the circular frequency – what is this to help?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lutz28213

the imaginary part must be zero, not the circular frequency

2 years ago

Yeah, it’s all right. I must have misunderstood you.

2 years ago

I had written denominators, in the task it was that the zero must be. And since R, L and C are known, w is the only unknown and can then be calculated

2 years ago

Aha – then it was very fuzzy.

2 years ago

You just need to know how the case “resonance” is defined.

This is precisely the frequency at which the total resistance Z becomes purely real (i.e. the im-part must become zero). This was done because if the equation is set in (Z)=…..=0 and after w is dissolved, the resonance frequency is obtained.

2 years ago

Another possible mindset:


2 years ago
Reply to  nematode

that is only possible if no R is present or R would occur in both branches of the same size

2 years ago
Reply to  MichaelH77

That’s right. The answer XL=XC is therefore wrong. I often irritate myself here about false answers, which are then simply “hingerotzt” even without attempting to explain. Better think or keep silent.