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The problem is in your head and hot Mere-Exposure Effect.
You’re accustomed to the mirrored image, and when you see it differently, you’ll notice the rough nose rather than the perspective you’re accustomed to.
Simply mirror the image in an image editing program and then you’ll probably find it okay. And then you know the problem is just in your head. All other people are looking exactly like on the picture, just not mirrored.
I know that too, I have a rough nose. But I guess it’s never noticed anyone big I’ve never been told. If I do a selfi, my nose is an extra crook. So really strong though she’s actually just slightly crooked. I don’t understand.
You can set in the settings that the selfi is no longer mirror-inverted. If you did, the pictures are better. It worked with me.
This also annoys me a bit because the nose isn’t that badly wrong. How to adjust 😂