Immer weniger Versorger Männer?

Huhu, ich habe folgendes Problem, ich mag nur Männer die noch altmodisch denken und ihre Frau versorgen. Leider gibt es in der heutigen Zeit immer weniger von dieser Sorte. Ich verzweifle komplett da ich mich nicht mit einem Mann sehe der nicht nach dieser Ideologie lebt. Habt ihr Tipps?

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2 months ago

I am personally “old-fashioned”😅

What I am experiencing again and again is that many women are a gesture that is to be loved by women not as a privilege but as a right.

And that really bothers me.

I like to invite, or keep the door open, or put the chair down, pay for the food, but I don’t like certain women to feel it as a right and to challenge it.

I can understand that people have certain principles such as you, for example, but no person likes to be regarded as self-evident and to be treated ungratefully. And I think this is the disadvantage of being a provider.

There are still caring men, but there are many women who take advantage of it there is always a certain caution because one could easily be exploited.

2 months ago

This is not in itself wrong and only your thing. The problem of men is much more that they can’t do it in this country.

2 months ago


Basically, people always get what they choose & earn.
It doesn’t matter if it’s about politics or partner search. Skurril on the matter is rather that people get different things through behavior, but then wonder.

Nowadays there are fewer suppliers and rare old role distributions in our circles, as most females want to have “no” more. On the one hand, times have changed, on the other hand, women have received more rights, so that more opportunities and rights are available to them. In this respect, most women go their own ways, learn, are suitable for good education and make an education or study. Coupled with the misunderstood equality, emancipation and equality, one’s self-sufficiency is aggressively rubbed under the nose of other people, so that dismantling and the elimination of old-fashioned roll distribution is the result.

I’m a lonely single, but not stupid. Women are just as humans as men, so they can also work, save and make themselves something. Clearly, within a partnership it is about giving and taking, but every person is responsible for himself. It is also possible to expect mature people to be self-employed and self-employed.

If you make various things and Mann xyz agrees with it, it’s good for you. This is still celebrated in other cultures. It has all the advantages and disadvantages.

I would do almost everything for my potential girlfriend/woman, but there must be basic conditions. I therefore aspire more educationally and see it that the woman gets exactly what she needs and deserves. She doesn’t get anything. If the woman is engaged and is self-employed, I give everything and thus promote mature behavior.

It is also necessary to consider the individual case. Give & Take can be different. If the woman cares about the household, the food, the children, the shopping and the man, then the man can manage the money, work, repair and do the rest. Thus, giving and taking can work. Only, then, what about the woman who is in a couple of years and who has neither training nor reserves? I would always secure myself twice and triple; never leave me flat on the other person.

Everything’s going today. The woman can work and the man regulates the household

2 months ago

There are still a lot of men who are like that, the problem is more we women would say. We ourselves want to make careers and earn our own money. But also we are now very demanding – travel, etc.

And then we don’t give men any chances.

If you want and look for such a man who really loves you with all your heart, you should go down your demands on appearance.

They are usually really the men who are still so shy and may have little experience in partnership.

2 months ago
Reply to  MamaSandra1990

Women are allowed to make careers, travel a lot and only date someone they find attractive.

2 months ago

I’ll tell you that. The men are getting more and more to washcloths, begin to melt and can’t even knock a nail in the wall. Need longer in the bathroom than the woman herself. Not the least, you’re old enough and don’t have to make yourself dependent on a man. What are you doing? He’s going to work and you’re lying around on the couch all day and doing selfies for Insta? 50 years ago there was the housewife. They took care of the household, children, food and everything.

2 months ago

In order to be a carpenter, a man needs a good income, which has few men. Many also do not want to be carers because they are carers, and not a woman can be valued. A provider, must have brought it to something already in his life, otherwise he does not make the monthly amount of money to earn the cost of a woman. A small amount of money is only very slowly larger. A larger amount of money will eventually become even more simple and faster.

2 months ago

Nowadays, it is hardly possible that only one partner can work…Of course he is a lawyer…😌🐥

2 months ago
Reply to  rebelle1

Works well below 30000€ net annual income.

Not only do lawyers…

2 months ago

I’d like one like that. I suspect that apart from the total washcloths, such a “supplier” – man must have real interest in the woman. So his life wants to live with her. If you’re still very young I’d find a man with 30, at the beginning of 40, then they’d be out of the storm and rush phase

2 months ago

A relationship should be based on love and not on the thought of one’s own protection.

2 months ago

– Men?

So Princess wants to be supplied by the husband?

Or do you want to throw the household on your own as a wrecked housewife, care for children, buy it and clean it all by that the provider, after work at home, pulls out the shoes and is supplied all the way round, so right sixties? You’re paying you a pocket money?

2 months ago

Unfortunately, there are many traditional men who want a housewife.

But through hypercapitalism and inflation, they often cannot provide a whole family with their salary without the woman also having to work.

2 months ago

There are many men who think so. If such a man is destined for you, you’ll get him. You can’t do much;) you seem pretty, you’ll get a deal

2 months ago

A terrible idea of having to be financially dependent on a man.

You have to do something about mine services.

2 months ago

She only spends his money, but it doesn’t come.

2 months ago

If you’re old-fashioned, you’re probably religious. I’d start there, you’ll find a lot of fellows.

Otherwise, you might be just lazy. Then there is Hartz4

2 months ago
Reply to  Lenyaz77

😆Super sweet, thank you!

2 months ago
Reply to  Lenyaz77

says the one who doesn’t want to go to work

2 months ago

Not everyone can earn a lot. But yes, some do it anyway

2 months ago

Why unrealistic? I have many well-known ones that this is just the man’s going to work and they’re financially pretty good?

2 months ago

In today’s time and with what a family costs, you can hardly get over the rounds with a salary.

Your imagination is completely unrealistic

2 months ago

the woman is not even made to work like a man every day

2 months ago

that would never have been added to my wife’s pride .I wanted to be self-employed also as married woman- dehzn man ask for everything–not my case 60 years ago and it worked

2 months ago

Well, in the salaries, it’s hard to be the “supplier”. It’s in fact compulsion that both have to work.

2 months ago

Less and less women can cook?

2 months ago
Reply to  Lenyaz77

Go to work part time, I say. Everything has become more expensive

2 months ago

This can go back quickly. If he’s sorry for you and leaves you, you’re standing there.

2 months ago

And then?

Do you want to be completely dependent on a man? Then he can not only serve you, but also dictate everything he wants.

My condolences, you should meet anyone!

2 months ago

And what do you offer the man?

2 months ago

Just keep looking! There are still such men!

The men go to work, the women only make laundry, cleaning, household, cooking, etc. and must not go out alone! < except for shopping if necessary!