Immer noch zu hoher Zuckerkonsum?
Ich habe es nun langsam geschafft meine Ernährung in dem Sinne auf „zuckerfrei“ umzustellen, dass ich kein Verlangen mehr auf raffinierten Zucker habe. Dennoch esse ich bestimmt 5 Pflaumen am Tag und eine Banane. Ab und zu ist es dann auch mal anderes Obst.
Ich weiß immer noch nicht wie sehr ich zwischen dem Zucker aus Süßkram und aus Obst differenzieren kann
Naturally contained fruit sugar is not always to be prevented, and you are not in the way of a diet.
For differentiation, it is sufficient to dispense with processed foods. So to a lot of what a list of ingredients has.
Just let the industrially produced sweet stuff in the shop! 👍😎
So a banana and five plaums a day is not much. You can’t eat reasonably, nor do a banana and five plums to cover your vitamin C daily needs.
And then judging how you formulated your question, you are already sick. You should definitely get medical advice to discuss your diets with your health condition.
LOL… What do you think?
And how should the FS be sick?
I had explained that to the FS in detail because a banana and five plaums a day is not much. The FS cannot reasonably feed on this, nor can a banana and five plums be sufficient to cover vitamin C daily requirements.
And then judging how the FS formulated the question, he is already ill. He thinks a banana and five plums a day would already be too much.
🤦🏻 ♀️🤦🏻
Well, this amount of fruit is so the minimum of what the FS should eat at least fresh fruit every day. It could certainly be more.
This amount of fruit is not too little,
but exactly right
Even if the FS should also eat a large bowl with sausage salad, the counted amount of fruit is too little to cover its daily needs of vital nutrients and vitamins.
The FS mentioned nothing at all that he eats only 5 plums and 1 banana.