Immer noch kein Lohn. Wie lange von Sparkasse zur Volksbank?


Ich hab eine Frage. Mein Lohn sollte spätestens am 15. drauf sein. Meine Kollegen hatten ihren Lohn diesen Monatg alle am 14. nur ich nicht.

Mein Chef hat mich wohl vergessen, weil sich meine Kontodaten geändert haben…

Er hat nun gestern die überweisung gemacht. Er ist bei der Sparkasse, wann kann ich damit rechnen dass der Lohn auf mein Volksbankkonto eingeht?

Muss natürlich auch meine Rechnungen bezahlen, ich bin auf meinen Lohn angewiesen und darauf dass er pünktlich kommt.

Hoffe ihr habt davon ahnung und könnt mir weiter helfen.

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7 years ago

If he did this yesterday during the morning, it would have to be on the account no later than tomorrow.

It is said that transfers to foreign banks usually take 2 days. Maybe you’re lucky and it’s already credited today.

lg Lilo

7 years ago

In the bank, I learned that it may take a maximum of 3 bank days within Germany. If he has done the TSO yesterday, it is, of course, dependent on the booking cuts at his and at your bank.

However, the TSOs should have received the latest Thursday to 12 o’clock (if you assume that your boss has transferred in the afternoon or after the last booking).


7 years ago
Reply to  Schniggi89

That was once, since sepa the money has to be there the next day. Within Germany.

7 years ago
Reply to  faiblesse

“Damals” hasn’t been as long as you might think, SEPA has already been:)

But each bank secures itself in its terms and conditions with a maximum of 3 bank working days – or we say so: at least the (large) bank in which I did my training.

7 years ago

Such agreements were permissible only until 1 January 2012, since then § 675s BGB applies without this restriction.

7 years ago

Transfers must be credited to the recipient account within 24 hours when using the online procedure. So the theory and mostly also the practice.

7 years ago
Reply to  Lalelu123321

That’s irrelevant. That’s why you still have to have this money available within a day.

7 years ago
Reply to  wilees

No, not within 24 hours, but “on the following business day”.

In extreme cases, this may mean, for example, that if order is issued on Thursday before Easter at 8 a.m., a credit is still within the deadline for the recipient on Tuesday after Easter at 6 p.m. (provided that the order is unsolicited).

7 years ago

If it went out via online banking yesterday, it must be on your account today.

Since Sepa, domestic transfers may only last one day.