Immer Durchfall wenn ich Arbeiten schreibe?

Ich weiß das ist nh eklige Frage, aber bei mir ist es seit wenigen Monaten so dass immer wenn ich eine Arbeit schreibe ich vorher die ganze Zeit aufs Klo muss und teilweise Durchfall und starke Blähungen habe.

Früher war das nie so. Es hat angefangen als ich einmal richtig nervös vor einer Arbeit war und ich dann Durchfall hatte. Ich dachte das wär was einmaliges weil ich war ja auch sehr gestresst war aber seitdem habe ich jedes Mal wenn ich irgendeine Arbeit schreibe, egal wie gestresst ich bin, Blähungen, teilweise Durchfall und muss die ganze Zeit aufs Klo rennen.

Es ist extrem unangenehm und vor allem passiert es auch wenn ich schon in der Schule bin, dann muss ich schnell aufs Klo und oft sind da auch andere Leute und dann ist es halt sehr unangenehm.

Was kann man dagegen machen? Also kommt es von Unterbewusstem Stress oder sowas? Bitte helft mir

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8 months ago

It is not as rare as you think. Many people know that they get such problems before very important situations. I’d advise you to go to your pediatrician or pediatrician. There is the possibility of letting this be explained as far as possible, whether to know whether it is really “psychic” or there is another cause. If your suffering pressure is great, a therapy could also be useful to learn techniques so that you are no longer so excited and this fear of fear, then to have to control the toilet better.

8 months ago

The former Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein did not change: whenever there were negotiations or difficult conferences, he had to go to the toilet more often. Easy a non-removable inclination. Its conclusion: During the conference there were only still water (no coffee, no juice, no sprout) and previously only good digestible food (and also no sugary or caffeine-containing drinks).

Hm. Perhaps you are on your way to the Prime Minister:in?

At 16 years, however, this is not the end of the song. With the further, physical development and the increase of your experience and thus also serenity, everything can change again. You have to deal with the current situation first. With a manageable and only timely food change.

8 months ago

Probably it comes because of stress that this is also nothing embarrassing if you have something like that, too, you can hang up with anxiousness to make you better take less pressure, so take more time. I would have that for a while, but I had a stomachache. Definitely tell your parents

8 months ago

This is a relatively widespread psychosomatic reaction that hits one it harder, the other less. Here help balancing methods such as TaiChi, Meditation, Joga etc. to reduce the germinating nervousness. Be aware that you are not the center of the galaxy.

8 months ago

I know. Not as extreme as with you, but I also often have abdominal pain or bloating before working. It’s stress and pressure with me, it could be with you. Try to make relaxation exercises again and again or breathing exercises. Maybe it helps a bit against stress

8 months ago

Examination fear. Got a lot. Maybe take some rest. That should help.