Im Zug schlafen?
Leude. Ich fahr seit ein paar Wochen öfters mit dem Zug und nicht mit dem Auto zur Arbeit und ich will einfach mal im Zug schlafen! Krieg das aber nicht hin, weil die Sitze unbequem sind und ich nicht im Sitzen schlafen kann. Könnt ihr mir Tipss geben? Ich brauch Ruhe und Schlaf. Mein Tag ist lang. Die Zugfahrt auch.
I’ve never been able to get in traffic. On the other hand, in the old long-awaited sessels in the ICE 1, I am regularly devastated… and I am going to sleep or sleep, that’s quite good.
Is actually a argument to offer a reasonable 1st class in the near traffic – which in this case does not only mean “rest” but also sit comfortably, which also allow sleep.
Maybe you could try it with a half-moon-shaped neck cushion that prevents the head from tipping off somewhere when it comes to napping.
Take an inflatable mattress with, pyjama, slap and morning coat are additionally attached …
Jo. Before one more smoke, so that everything is somehow green and it becomes less embarrassing.
The seats are uncomfortable and you can’t sleep in sitting – then only stays at rest. Good luck.
Shit. Life is hard..
I have experienced the same experience, in this case helps to hear music or a movie with headphones.
1. Go well.
There’s hardly any difference. Okay, fewer people and other upholstery.
Well, a foam mat with scglafsack on it won’t allow you.
Then buy a ticket for the sleeping car!