Feeling of pressure in the stomach while on holiday (started on the day of departure)?
I don't drink tap water here, drinks with ice cubes or anything too fatty and I've also got my period and have been here for 2 days.
I don't drink tap water here, drinks with ice cubes or anything too fatty and I've also got my period and have been here for 2 days.
Hello, I've had a stabbing headache for the past few hours. It just randomly stings and then goes away again. What could be the cause?
Is this a cancerous lump it is very hard and a skin-colored lump
Hi. I'm 12 years old and I've started buying new clothes. My mom is very excited about it and asks (for the fifth time now) if she can buy them too. I always say yes because I don't want to make her sad or put her in an embarrassing situation. I actually don't think it's…
https://drugscouts.de/lexikon/kaffein-energizer At least here it is clearly stated that this is the case.
I'm having knee surgery soon, and I'll be put under a type of anesthesia for 1-2 hours, but not the kind where you have to be on artificial respiration, but rather one that makes you feel as if you're asleep. What's it like, and can you die from it?
Hi, my toe looks like this right now. It hurts quite a bit. It's not particularly warm, but it's inflamed. I'm at the airport right now and will be back home around 5 p.m. I'll give it a bath and some Betaisodona. Should I be worried about blood poisoning? My doctor simply said I should…
what is the question
What it might be and possibly jmd tipps has
The trigger of the pressure sensation is a sluggish gastric muscle. The natural movement of the gastrointestinal tract and the food pulp cannot be further promoted by various causes such as difficult digestible foods, mental stress or malfunctions of the stomach activity (as in the case of irritants).
From Google. Unfortunately, I can’t help you.