Im Netz beleidigt worden und Jetz depri?
Habe mir vor paar Wochen ein tik tok Account gemacht ich tanze da zu kurzen Clips mache halt Videos erzähle über mein Alltag lief auch ganz gut und heute habe ich es geöffnet da hat jemand kommentiert so dick wie du bist würde ich Keine Kleider anziehen oder du bist bestimmt 48 ( ich bin 18!) jedenfalls hat mein Herz dann gerast ich wurde blass meine Mutter fragte was los und ich soll nicht drauf eingehen ich war dann so verunsichert das ich meinen ganzen Account deaktiviert habe heute geht es mir immer noch schlecht fühle mich Hässlich und überlege zur Polizei zu gehen Strafanzeige zu stellen ?
Always gives people who have something to blame. This is the risk of being presented openly online. Shouldn’t be like that, but I’m sorry.
Who has to be presented publicly with this, unfortunately.
If you realize that doesn’t work well at all, either don’t post anything from you or don’t read the comments so often.
Why does it happen to others
that happens in many videos! have read 50-100 such comments on the net, but most are meant as joke
Habeck and co. must also learn to live with it.
Yes Weak-head gate was already embarrassed. Probably didn’t come from him directly but from any party office of Gedröhns, but I’m with you, ridiculous.
Just like you’re such a Pimmel affair from the SPD’ler from Hamburg.
Criticism should be clear on the net. The police are not doing anything.
But why does it happen to me?
Everyone gets criticism.
Luckily, such people are very rare. Don’t let such Hate comments take you down and don’t take it personally. He can have done it as a joke, doesn’t have to be serious immediately!
Some people are so dissatisfied with themselves that you leave Hate comments to others
you have a little overreacted, but that’s also a luxury problem.
I’m not sure if you’re going to come far with a criminal complaint ^^
and it is also better not to share so much about his life (even if most people like you) Private life is much more peaceful!
Well, it happened to me three times
Why do you want to make videos on TikTok?
is great! You have to count on such comments and you just don’t take it personally. you can consider this as a joke, so evil was definitely not meant.
It was good to have many followers I could even make money now I don’t want anything more
You can make certain comments on some platforms (so you can stop the comments )
Unfortunately it is so that some think that you can comment on the Internet as you want.
Don’t take that to heart.
It’s not an insult, it’s his free opinion.
He didn’t threaten you either.
Leave the cops alone, they have completely different concerns.
It’s a threat if I were a police officer it would be beamed insult
You’re not a cop.
Even if you were a cop, it wouldn’t be insult. “Occupational insult” is also only findings “In German criminal law, official insult is not a separate act. An official here is not different from another citizen.”
young chill😹😹😹😹
no is a young
Would you chill?
Would first place no videos uploaded from me to tiktok
Why should I
“that I have deactivated my entire account” …the best decision at all and you’ll see you live quieter and more relaxed, because such an account square does not need a (normal) person. I myself have no account at all, either on Facebook, Twitter or X, Insta or TickeTocke Zicke Zacke mit Geknacke.