Im Leerlauf versucht anzufahren, habe ich was kaputt gemacht?
Ich dachte ich wäre im 1. Gang war jedoch im Leerlauf und habe dann die Kupplung mit Gas kommen lassen… es hat fürchterliche Geräusche gemacht („chchch“) jetzt lautet meine Frage ob ich etwas kaputt gemacht habe, eventuell beim Getriebe starken Verschleiß erzeugt.
If there was no gang in there and it makes noises then something was already broken before.
If it gets loud, it can have been a gang “half in”. However, this should not normally occur, in the case the gear should either slide completely in or out.
Maybe you should check the setting from the control lever.
You certainly increased wear. Often it shouldn’t happen.
Where can I have the control lever checked or can you check it yourself?
There is a linkage or cable (depending on the model) between the gearshift lever and the gear. If something has changed, bent, emptied, then the gears in the gear are no longer operated far enough. Or the shift lever is not engaged.
Easy self-checking: engine out, disengage. All forward gears must be easily installed. The lever has to remain in position when you pull it back easily. Easy to move left and right without hooking.
Optical control in the engine compartment whether there is something loose. The cuff on the lever does not raise, which is sometimes very stubborn to mount again.
The rod assembly can be set, but this is vehicle-specific and one has to be paired.
If all this looks so good then go on, and if such a problem resurrects a few times then go to the workshop.
If you let the clutch come, giving a little gas, like when starting in the first gear, but when idling and making it sound, you didn’t break anything. Then something’s broken.
There shouldn’t be any excessive noise at all if you do that as described by you.
Are you sure you haven’t been idle and not “half in the first”?
I was probably only half in the first. Thank you.
It’s not going to break that fast. However, the parts are quite worn out. So you shouldn’t do it all the time.
heist, the first gear was not properly engaged, much can not have happened, If this happens more often, already.
Is that bad? I’ve been through this 2x
take care as long as you don’t scrape the gear…
then it wasn’t idling… If you haven’t set a gear, then the gas pedal can push through, the engine will raise noises without “chhchchc” and that’s it.
You’ve probably just had the floor slightly inlaid, then rub the gears against each other and make the noises, which is certainly bad with constant handling. If it happens, but not really wild.
“If it has been ratified, it was a” greeting from the gear”. One time, there’s nix.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It’s not gonna break.