Im bus mit 20 euro schein bezahlen?
Hallo ich brauche dringend hilfe ich habe nur noch 1, 20ger schein und nichts kleiner mein bus fährt in 20 min und das ist der letzte mit dem ich weg komme [ wohne in einem kaff wo der bus alle 5 stunden nur fährt] Bitte dringend hilfe
download the öpnv app of the operator and pay online.
I stopped as you described her, that I could go with her for free when nobody could change me. also arrives the bus driver.
You can try your best to keep the money ready in the right denomination by buying a little thing before in a store. If, however, there is no shop and also no nice fellow human being near you, who makes your appearance small, then you have to get into the bus with this appearance.
If a lot of passengers pay in cash in the bus, there should be enough cash receipts by which the bus driver can spend change. A local bus bank is either set up in such a way that the bus driver presses on a tap for each coin to be paid out and these coins then fall into a bowl, or the amount offered (here 20 €) is tipped in and the changeover money is released by automatic editing.
The fact that a bill is impossible because not enough money is in the cash register, or that there is no proper billing should be a very rare case. So it should be allowed to try at least.
If the bus driver complains about the additional time required for the bill of exchange, then let him grumble.
If it’s very important for you to come to the destination now, and not half a day later, you could also overpay, so don’t give up the bill. This is still cheaper than ordering and paying a taxi instead.
Or maybe there are more stops on which other passengers arrive. The bus driver could give you the change money later.
Ask a person waiting at the bus stop if she could change.:)
Since there has been a judge’s verdict that buses don’t have to accept certain bills, of course, all bus drivers also insist on it. With 50€ you definitely don’t need to try. 20€ might still work.
Most bus companies offer value marks, however, if the money cannot be changed. You can then pay for this in their farm/customer desk/… But even where it is best to ask explicitly, bus drivers often do not point out.
Otherwise you can ask passengers, but according to my experience, this is more in vain effort. They’re just looking at you.
Alternative would be: buy online ticket if you have the opportunity to do so.
If nothing really works, you sometimes (but rarely) also have luck to let such a bus driver ride along.
Here in Aachen, in the terms of transportation, the driver is not obliged to change banknotes over 10 €. That doesn’t mean he can’t. If he has enough small bills in the cash register, he’ll probably change him.
Say “just like that” or get an online ticket
Should go.
However, one has let me stand in exactly such a situation. I had asked extra loudly on the bus whether someone could change me. nix, only greeting faces.
No baker or the like nearby?
No I live in nothing, there is no single load here.
Just try it better than nothing money is money
Yes, it works.