Im Bus Durchfall, was soll ich machen?
Achtung, keine Scherzfrage! Bitte glaubt mir und helft mir!
Ich fahre gerade Bus und komme erst in über einer Stunde an, aber ich muss heftig kacken und merke, dass ich Durchfall habe.
Vorher Aussteigen geht nicht, denn es fährt kein anderer Bus mehr! Was soll ich machen? Hilfe!
Get out, take a hotel, continue tomorrow.
Go on and buy bad smells.
Ask the driver to get to the right and wait.
All three embarrassing. (Well, I’m not on the bus.)
Can’t you call anyone to pick you up?
Unfortunately no.
then just stay quiet and get out at the end carefully even if it smells something
Last time it happened on the way to the date.
Was that on the bus?
How did you solve the problem?
Didn’t go, pants burst, and the whole thing squirted through the bus.
R.I.P the others who were in the bus
that was irony or?
How did you taste?
Definitely good 😂