Im Bergsee (2000m) baden?
Liebe Community,
Ich gehe am Wochenende in die Berge. Dort gibt es einen schönen Bergsee, in dem es erlaubt ist zu baden. Reicht bei einem solchen See im Moment eine normale Boardshorts oder sollte ich noch einen langen Neoprenanzug drunter anziehen? Es sollen so ca. 16-18 Grad werden, Wassertemperatur steht nirgends..
At 16-18 degrees outside temperature, I would definitely recommend a neoprene for dribter
Mountain lake is probably 4 degrees so better to wear neoprene
Okay, thanks, which thick should I take?
Cooling in such lakes is a pretty great thing. I’ve done many times.
The challenge is: The late winter / spring was very productive again in terms of snow. At 2,000 m it should be mostly snow-free, but in so mulden, where mountain lakes gather, there might be some snow that naturally melts almost as cold as water into the lake. Will say: Much warmer than 4°C will not be. So also be careful if you somehow know that you have circulatory problems. Better get used to the cold – like the Kneipp basin.
Now, of course, you can drag a neo on the mountain. It’s extra weight. I wouldn’t do it. Simply pack the swimsuit and then dry well. The fun of the thing is the challenge of getting into the cold water.
If it’s hot and I’m heated anyway, I’d like to jump briefly into a lake to cool off! This is similar to the diving pool after the sauna, very good to bring the slightly heated body temperature back to normal value.
If it is not so hot, it is recommended to take a towel and dry well…
I don’t know the lake but most lakes are very cold, I would wear wetsuit.
such a wetsuit is a fine thing when the water is too cold, but 18 degrees water temperature for me are warm enough. I don’t need a neo, but everyone has such a sense of temperature 😉
Greetings from Bavaria
No one will be able to tell you this. I went with 25 in 17 ° warm water. Today, 20° is not very cold. I’m getting older.