Illustrations / drawings – what are people currently looking for on Etsy?


I'd like to use my newly established Etsy shop to help pay off the high veterinary costs for my FORL-affected cat. I finished my apprenticeship as a media technician this summer and wanted to sell some of my illustrations/drawings, including as emotes for Twitch, etc.

Unfortunately without success.

What's the best way to go about this? What are people currently looking for? What is a good selling product for a digital artist? Can you help me with this and give me tips and tricks?

Thank you for your help

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1 year ago

Ich vermute, das Du da kein Erfolg hast.

Ähnliches versuchte mein Nachbar, der ist “Kunstmaler”. Die meisten gehen eh in Geschäften, selbst Bauhäuser bieten “Bilder” zum günstigen Mitnahmepreis an.

Da würde ich mir nicht den Stress machen, so etwas online zu bestellen und vielleicht dann noch mit (transport)Beschädigungen mich rumschlagen müssen